Chapter 19

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KEEP TRACK OF TIME!! Enjoy. Peace ✌🏾.


30 minutes later

I'm in a chair and Shay is sucking the life out of me. I tilted my head back in enjoyment. She went deeper and harder.

10 minutes later

I was thrusting myself into her and she was enjoying it.

Shay;" prince!"

I smirked.

15 minutes later

Trini pov;

I woke up all of a sudden and I seen a note from Shay.

Dear Trini,
Hey sleeping beauty. I found your medicine and I really hope your okay. Prince is ballon his eyes out. But I know you'll wake up. See you soon

Shay tha bae❤️

I laughed and went to get dress. I was hungry so I went downstairs I heard moaning from the dance studio it was Shay. This girl is crazy but I don't want to ruin her and rays thing but they could at least get a room. I headed to the kitchen and opened up the microwave and heated up my food and ate. I saw Ray come down stairs.

Ray;" Trini your up!!!" His eyes filled with joy and he picked me up and hugged me. He brought me upstairs to rocs room him and shanti were laying down. They looked at me and started running towards me. I ran my ass all the way to prods room. BAD IDEA he tackled me and everyone piled on top of us.

Me;" I definitely feel the love" I say breathless. They laugh and get off of me.

Shanti;" hey where's prince and Shay?"

Me;" Ray should know where Shay is he was making her moan a few minutes ago" I laugh and sit on prods bed. Everybody gave me a confused look.

Me;" what?"

Everyonexme;" Ray wasn't in the studio he was sleep..."

Me;" well then who was----" I got cut off by moaning


We all looked at eachother and ran down stairs of course Ray was first he stopped at the window and he broke down crying and ran away everybody looked in the window except me cause there was no space.

Me;" can someone move?"

Roc;" T I don't think you wanna see this" everyone looked at me and they had worried in their eyes. They began pushing me back up stairs. I got out of rocs grip and made my way passed everyone.

Me;" how bad can it be" I then looked and saw through the one way mirror something I thought I'd never see in a million years! Prince and Shay having sex. My heart dropped but then I remembered what my momma always said "never cry over a man even if you do love him". I ran upstairs and grabbed my cardigan and headed to the secret place just pushing pass everyone. When I got out there I see Ray looking out at the at the city view.

Ray;" why!?" Tears began rolling down his cheek. I lead him to the bench and we layed down his head was on my chest and he was crying. This supposed to be the other way around.


A few minutes later

Ray started writing down his feelings leaving me with nothing to do. I sighed and decided to turn my feelings into a song once again.

10 minutes later
Me and Ray finished writing our songs and we went to the booth. I let him go first and I just stay back and watch him do his thing.

She love me........she love me......she love me........she love me not.

Got me picking pedals off the roses like.

She love not......she love me not.......she love me not....she love me.

He sang. The song was dope. He really got his feelings out..CLEARLY.

Ray;" your turn miss I'm to good to cry" he laughed. I smiled at the fact that he's all better now that he wrote the song.

Me;" whatever just start the song" I said putting on the headphones.

I hope you lay down in your sleep.

And you choke on every lie you told.

And when your reaching out for me.

You'll see you reap everything you sow.

Some tears fell but I wiped them as Ray mouth the words stay strong. The song ended and me and Ray walked out. Everybody just looked at us as we smiled and laughed.

Shanti; " are yall?"

Me;" no we just friends, we won't step to they level"

Roc;" I feel bad. So what ya gonna do with him?"

Me;" I don't know but we currently aren't together"

Prod;" well Keisha texted me saying we got an interview today at 3:30 but be there by 3:15."

Me;" wait me and mb together in one interview?"

Prod;" yup now let's all get ready." We all went upstairs and took our showers and stuff. Meanwhile prime and Shay still downstairs. I started laughing so hard I started coughing. They all burst through my door.

Me;" what?" I said trying to stop the cough/ laughing.

Roc;" what's wrong with u??"

Me;" I was thinking bout how they still down there and I started laughing"

Roc;" well then" he walked out and the others followed. While I was finishing getting ready I heard a door open and then clothes.

Prince;" BABY YOUR UP!!!" He tried kissing me but I just kissed my fingers then placed them on his cheek with out giving eye contact or even cracking a smile.

Me;" we have an interview at 3:30" just then Shay burst through the door. She hugged me but I didn't hug back I just pat her back

Shay;" your up!"

Me;" I've been up for a while now" And with that I left the trick standing right there right next to Afro puff. Clueless much??

Next chapter will be better. But vote and comment. Peace ✌🏾


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