Kaylee?? really...

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"Kay...KAY....KAYLEEMAY??" Ty screamed
Dead silence
"KALYEE!!" He screamed even louder.
I woke up I was on the kitchen floor
"Wooo..what happened.?" I said questioning where I was and how I got here

" you had another bad trip" he said standing me

I finally said fuck I have tried some many drugs and honest I have OD 4 times and this time is scared me.

I started crying "baby...I sorry...im
..I'm done..no more partying...I'm done...". I cried out
"Its okay baby.. I'm here for you." He said rubbing my back.

I got my self up and walk to mine and his room and I got dressed and did my makeup

I stood in the mirror and reliezed I'm no the same girl I'll never be the same.. I lost 26 pounders and I'm sick and I didn't care anymore I let my self go...

"Baby are you okay?" Ty said walking in as I was in the mirror.
"I guess" I said laying on the bed

I'm no the same Kaylee.. And I promised my self I would do better..

It took me for months to relieze that being sick sucked. I pushed my self to eat and properly work out and I also was a dance teacher for kids and teens 4-18 so I did a lot.

"Hey baby, how was work?" I yelled as Ty walked in
"Fine." He went his office

I went and sat in the room I cried silently. Everything is falling apart. No body is the same..

I went to the bath room and grabbed my blade.. I cut my self 10 time deeply. Last thing I remember was Ty screaming..


"She going to be okay. She had a blood transfusion and stitches." The doctor said as I slowly wake up.

"Kay?" Ty said holding my hand.
I pulled away and started to cry
"Baby..no..I love you.. I'm not going anywhere..I just wanna know why?" He said blaming him self.

"I felt alone. This is my fault." I whispered
"Baby I'm sorry." He said kissing my hand

"She can go home. If she would like." The doctor said.

"Please" I whispered.

The car ride home was long. I fell a sleep.. I remember waking up and asking what day it was and Ty told me it was June 19, 1987 i froze I was in the hospital for 10 days?

"Are you sure?" I asked again
"Yes baby I was there the whole time." He said pulling in to the house.

We walked in and we went to the room and cuddled and watch boys meet the world.

I fell a sleep to the sound. And I had a horrible nightmare.


Walking through burning rome, the smell is thick and its hard to breath.
I fell hand on my legs. I watch my family burn and melt a live.
I woke up screaming
"Baby are you okay." Ty ask
"I dont know." I cried

The dreams were always bad and they on got worse.

"Baby come on let's go back to sleep" Ty said as we laid back down

"Fine babe." I said rolling over

Laying there I'm the dark and the silance it hits me..

"Hell has havoc. But only if you let it" happen." Kayden told me, as we drop her off at the addiction center
"Help is what it is, as long you accept the help from the havoc why" I told her as she handed my the gold locket
-ending of flash back-
I tear speared for my eyes and I scared to cry. I grabbed the locket around my neck and cried.

I looked at the clock and it read 4:30am I got up and drew a bath and sat there hoping everything was fine turning on the TV in the bathroom and the Simmons were on. I just sat there and watched.

"Babe are you in the bathroom" Ty said walking in slowly
"Mhmm, just relaxing" I said looking back up
He disappeared down stairs, so I got out and slid on my red fuzzy robe and walked down the old chestnuts stairs.
"Kay- " he got cut off
"Hey baby " I said sliding around the corner grabbing my coffee

Phone call (D- dad K- me)
D- hello Kaylee its dad
K- hey dad what's up
D- I'm taking a trip out to see you.. I'll be there about 12 today
K-uhm okay? May I ask why
D- just to check up..and Ty told me about what happened. Kayleemay.
K- I'm sorry sir. I wanted to tell you once I was better.
D-its fine. Ill see you soon. Tell Ty to have Red wine in the house.
End of call

"Dads coming and to have red wine." I said confused sitting down.
"Uhm..okay?" Ty questioned going up stairs

I followed. I walked to the end of the west side of the house and staired at the last room on the right. A perfect pink walls and the nice size bed finish with purple sheets not one thing disturbed.

I though to my self. When was I going to tell him.. Are we even ready?

"We will tell him soon lovely" I said rubbing my belly looking at the nursery

Dad knew and I didn't tell Ty.. Not yet. But to was the night.

"Kaylee time to eat" Ty yelled up stairs

I used the west wings stair that went to the kitchen and scared him

"So baby, can we talk. I need to tell you something before dad gets here." I said looking down at my food..

" yeah go a head." He said sitting down
"I'm...I'm...pregnant" I started to cry
"Babe that's great!" He said walking over and kissing me all over
This was different..

"Dads here." Ty yelled.

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