Shay V.s osborne.

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Never truly understanding our family is something that honestly bothered me. Main because it was confusing. Between shays and Osborne's and I figured out what was going on between a Mother and Father..

Learning about my fathers affairs weren't surprised because 95% of them fight was them being separated. Mom only stuck around for the kids and Dad did what he had to do. No one really saw what was going on the Christmas of 92 when Dad got remarried to Emily Tillden she was a 30 year old woman and she was a mortal so it was difficult to explain why we were active at night and sleep all day.

Father sent through a really bad break were drugs and alcohol took over. It was mainly his drinking. My father always like his scotch and roman coke every now and again than I reliezed by the 80s he had a problem.

After mom left everything fell apart. Mom took her favorite kids meaning
Dad had

We all go separated for the longest time no vistis or anything.
I had a feeling mom had something up her seleve.

For a devious woman she knew way to much for my liking. The reminded me of a Russian always a step ahead but never quick enough to do something.

At this point we had 2 house fire and arson leak a sold house and a lot of damage.

-shays started this-

The shays had the tendency to start things the couldn't finish. Osborne's movrd from Sacramento California to Germany burlin to Warsaw Poland back to long island to charloton south Carolina to Nashville than Austin Texas.

We moved so much.
"Kay are you okay." Riley ask me

She is a very tall girl bright green eye long brown curly hair no younger than me. Sweet and caring she is a demon/fall angel. Very hard to understand.

"Yes I'm fine. Just tired"I said look out at the yard.

We are in Texas and at this point everyone is getting ready for there transition to the undercover life. Most of will learn about the new family before being sent there, you have to know everything about the inncent child before it is taken, yes you think is sound horrible right. Actually most of the children I take are give to a family that had a still birth and or a family that wants a child.

"Kay have you loom at you information?" Dad said looking at the millinla folder.
"Yes sir, I know everything and tomorrow im going to go follow this chick and see what she likes so I can mimic her personality." I explained with a sigh.
"Good to know." He said leaving me speechless

Just today in general wasnt right. I learn shortly after dad left to finish something in the office the shays started a battle. And there was going to be blood shed.

It was still. Beyond the comfortable still it was unbearable.

Dad ran upstairs to me and ty.
"Fight.. There...back" he tried spitting out but he was out of breath.

We literary got up and was ready. As the short redhead head girl next to brown hair girl had there back turned againest. Me. Twins?

As the coraspondedly turned around Carmen and journey. Fuck..

"Look what we have here. A bitch and a whore?" I snapped.
"Says the girl, who can't fight, your own battles?" Carmen said I lost it and punched her in the jaw.
"Awh poor kaylee is mad?" Journey provoced me to lung and grab her.
"Awh does someone need a team to fight me?" I laugh holding both of them.

I had one mission. That's to kill.. Vampires know every form of death and than some.
"Listen here. This is my house I don't take kindly to bitch or cunts taking over. If I can defeat the underrules and demon and I can kill you." I snapped clenching there throats.
"Riley would like to help.or watch?" I said with a smirk.
"Oh I would love to help" she grabbed a hold of carmen "this is for killing my sister " she said ripping carmen head off.
"Now you have a choose journey. Leave and never come back, or be killed?" I said smirking.
"I'll leave.. But this is the last you'll see of me." She wimpered.

"Riley, your good at killing.. Hmm I could teach you a thing or 2." I said high fiveing her.

Walking out side and learning the war was not anything we were ready for.

Blood and burning over use of power and blood...I whispered "stay strong. Don't snap its just blood." As my eyes turned a redish yellow..
I snapped full attack mood. I ran to the unknown masses and demon and went blood crazy.

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