bad news...before he leaves...

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i never thought that after everything i have been through in the last year in a half. life has ups and downs but not like the immortal life, its so much more work to maintain a secret and live a normal life with normal people. how does one even be normal.

"kay.can we speak?" i heard Ty said from the door

"mhmm. come in be care my rooms a mess" i said as he entered

my room looked like someone took a sledge hammer to everything. walls are broke glass everywhere and my room just looks horrible.

"what happened" he said sitting next me

i was sitting in the corner shaking and taking shallow breathes

"im fine" i said looking at the window watching the sun slowly setting in the distances

"no your not. talk to me." he said grabbing my arm

i got up and sat in the bay window

"why do you left me here days on end sick in my bed wondering if im the reason YOU FUCKING LEFT!.. i dont understand you.. i really dont..dont you see your the reason im like this. you cause me to freak and lose it.. you don't care do you?" i said looking at him with a keen glare that could of killed him.

"I DO FUCKING CARE KAYLEE. DO YOU SEE IM DOING THIS FOR YOU?!?! i really think about it. im here now. yes i left but you know what IM FUCKING SORRY KAYLEE." he yelled just looking at me

"KIDS FRONT AND CENTER!" dad yelled before i could another word.

this is when i knew something wasnt right...the air was still and it was the fact dad called all of us and mom was no where to be found.

"sit" he said in almost a whisper and it wasnt normal its the fact the air was so still it made everything worse

"well. i have bad news..and good news.. and im not sure what is going to happen but i need you all to promise one thing."

that's when we said we promised on our life for internal power and the gods above.

"bad of to fight a war in japan... and i dont know how long..good news your all going to american." he said turning around.

at this point i got up and left the house. i went to the falls and sat there. i watch the water...i cried for about..god i wold say 3 hours. im so use to moving around but i didnt want to anymore. on top of dad leaving for war. i just instantly new this was something i had to live with. Im just not ready to bring it to light.

"kaylee..come strong." i whispered to my self...

thats when i knew that bad news will always come first even if we didnt want to hear it we cant control anything that happens. mom was taking us to american the land of dreams and promises... i just hope that this is the dream everyone talks about..

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