Chapter 2

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I knew who was in the car. Louis Tomlinson. He was my chilhood crush ever since kindergarten. I had him in every single class of mine. Plus he HATES me and I dont know why. Him and his gf Elenour. Its not like I did anything to him but I guess he just hated me.

 I saw him. His green orb eyes were sparkling in the sunshine, and his purple beanie was moving in the air, and he was smiling and laughing. His lips were so thin and so perfect to have. Boy, Elenour was a lucky duck.

  "I dont need a ride in your dumb car!" I shot back at him.


  "Maybe yes, I said in a calm voice then I raised it. "STOP CARING ABOUT ME!"

  "ME CARE ABOUT YOU!, he snorted. "WHY I THINK NO ONE DOES, AND I WOULD NEVER LET YOUR ASS SIT IN MY BEAUTIFUL CAR YOU GOT THAT!" he yelled back at me and he vroomed off.

 I felt so embarresed. I let someone talk to me like that. I did that because I loved him and I wanted him to know I was a nice person. I didnt want to be mean like Elenour. I dont know why he picked her.

  I snapped out of my thoughts and started to walk. As I started to walk the wind picked up and blew across my face. My red hair danced with the wind as I was walking. A shiver went down my back and I was to cold to walk so, I ran back home.

 I stood infront of my brother, Steven, and watched him take a napkin adn wipe his face. He just looked at me in a confused way then he smiled and said "Ohhh".

  "Let me guess April you missed the bus and you want me to give you a ride."

 I nodded my head very lightly so he wont notice. I just wanted him to drop me off because I was cold nothing else. I didnt get a car yet and my brother wont let me use his, and my Mom wont let me use hers.

 Steven got up and went to the living room. Then he came back 2 seconds later and I saw car keys in his hands.

  "Lets go." he sighed and I clapped my hands.

 When we got in the car it smelled like vanilla cake. I just wanted to eat it but I couldent. My brother buckled his seatbelt adn so did I and we went off.

 I got bored so I put on the radio. The radio had my favorite song playing so I sang along to it. I loved to sing because my Dad always wanted me to be a singer.

  "April you sing very good." Steven said surprised.

 I stopped to sing adn looked at my brother. I knew he was telling the truth because Steven NEVER lied to me before. Like NEVER! I had thought about going to the X- Factor but nah!

  "Thanks." I say as I pushed my hair aside.

 I looked out the window and I saw my school. It was a big brown building with about 30 windows on 1 side. It had the words "Wolverins" written across the school with red ink. There was a bulidboard thingy that had words going across saying "Welcome to a new year!"

 I was scared to go to a new school. I was afraid that I wouldent make new friends or anything. I wanted to be a popular girl but I knew that wasnt gonna happen.

 My brother stopped the car inffront of the main door and looked at me. His blue eyes showed he was scared for me. The he started to speak. "Stay out of trouble April."

   "I will dont worry" I say as I hugged him. 

 I got out the car and waved to my brother. He waved back then he left. I turned aroung to go through the main door when I bumped into someone.

  "Sorry!" I say as I look up.

 The person was staring at me from his green eyes. I gasped.

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