Chapter 4

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 I knew I was going to be late for class so, I gave one more hug and went to my first classroom. It was my math class and I was really good at math.

 The classroom was a normal classroom. It had posters of math facts and math properties. The classroom had variaties of quotes like " Believe you can and you are halfway there." I really loved that quote. There were 5 rows of desks and 5 were in each row.

 I went to the corner of the room and sat down by the window. I hated being called on because I didnt like the way my voice was. Louis always made fun of my voice and I used to cry myself to sleep because of that.

 I erased the me momories from my thoughts and then lots of students begain to walk in. I watched each student and carefully checked if Louis was one of them. I kind of wanted him in the class but he would humiliate me.

 Finally the teacher walked in the classroom and he looked pretty funny to me. He had the old type glasses hanging on a chain, he had a white mustache and hair the color of snow, and he was really wrinkly. Ewww!!

 I tried not to laugh at him. That would be very mean. Then right after the bell rang and I sighed a breath of relief that Louis wasnt here. Maybe this was my first class I didnt have with him.

  "Okay class my name is Mr. Horris and I am your math teacher, he said in a cracking voice. " Today we will talk about the equation property of-" and he was cut off by the knock on the door.

Whoever that person was it was knocking REALLY loud. It felt as if I was on a plane and it was landing and my ears were about to pop.

  "MAKE IT STOP!" a boy with a freckled face and buck teath yelled.

  "Come in." Mr. Horris said in a calm and soothing voice. 

 The banging stopped and the door knob slowly turned. As the door flew open I saw who it was. The beanie, the smile, and the expression on his face. It was Louis.

 I felt my heart drop to the bottom of my stomach. I wanted to have a class without him and I guess I wasnt in luck.

  "A late comer." Mr. Horris said looking thorough his glasses.

  "Yea, yea, Louis said rolling his eyes. " My stupid locker wouldent open thats why."

 I think Mr. Horris didnt believe him but Louis didnt care. He just turned around and looked at us, the students. He was scanning the room to see where he would sit and I wasnt in luck again because the only seat open was next to me.

 I tried to hide under my desk but it was to late. He had already spotted me and had a huge grin on his face. It was as if he was happy to sit next to me. His green grape eyes were fixed on mine and and I coulde see that he was gonna do something horrible.

 He wobbled over to the desk next to me and plopped down. Then when Mr. Horris turned around to write on the board he grabbed my wrist. I had to chose this seat in the back of the room!

  "Hey April long time no see." he said and sqeezing my hand even tighter.

 I could see it was getting really red like a tomato. Plus it hurted like hell and he was stopping all the circulation in my wrist.

  "Let me go please!" I said in a quiet whispeing voice.

  "Let me go please!" he said back mocking me and laughing alittle harder.

 I was surprised that no one noticed what was going on. Louis was hurting me and no one was helping. 

  "How bout you late comer?" Mr. Horris asked Louis.

 He dropped my wrist and turned to Mr. Horris. He was getting red like he was emabarresed he didnt know the answer to the question.

  "Excuse me sir what?"

  "Pay attention or else." Mr. Horris threatened him and Louis got even more red.

 I couldent help it I started to laugh then everyone else did to.


 I was scared. Horrified and afraid. First of all Louis is in ALL of my classes and second of all about math and the laughing.

 I knew Louis hated it when people laughed at him or something because he would just beat them up. That is what exactly he was gonna do to me. He was gonna humiliate me in some way and it was going to be bad.

I was waiting for the buse when Louis shoved passed me. I fell and a piece of paper fell with me. Then Louis laughed and I got up and everone was looking at me. I got the paper fom the sidewalk and was gonna read it.

It was a white piece of paper and it was really crumbly. It was really rough as if it went through alot. And lastly it smelled like Louis.

 I opened the crumpled piece of paper and read it to myself: 

Keep your eyes open when you sleep darlin. hahahaha!


 Louis p.o.v

 I knew she read the note. I hid behind some cars to see her reaction. Her eyes got all big and she put her hand on her mouth as if she was about to cry. Then she riped up the note in little pieces and thrwe it away to fly with the wind.

 I had scared her alot and she really thought I was gonna do something to her- 


 She couldent have gotton away like this. I needed to get her back in some way. I hoped in my car and rode over to Harry's house. He was my bff all right and he knew what to do.

  "Harry listen to this I need to get April back but how?" I asked him as I barged in the house.

 There he was. sitting on the couch with a bunch of cheerleaders and they were all laughing and drinking beer.

  He looked at me and began to speak. " Girls talk to ya later okay?" 

 They got up and looked over at me and left with a huff. I guess they were mad at me. I didnt care but I ran over to Harry.

  "What should I do bro to humiliate her alot in front of the school?"I asked him

 He was thinking about it and so was I. It was hard beacause we had to think about the teachers and stuff. Harry got pooped out because he turned on the t.v.

"Today a teenage girl got raped by a 40 year old man.."  the newsreporter said.

 I stopped.

 I had the perfect plan to get April humiliated and it was all because of the newsreporter and her news.

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