chapter 15

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It been days since my Mom died in a plane crash. Now pratically I feel like a orphan but I still have my brother.

"April honey I have to talk to you come down here!" Louis Mom said.

I got off the bed and lookes at myself in the mirror. I had big puffy red eyes and my cupcake pajamas were all wrinkled, my hair was a big puffy mess but I didn't care about anything.

I went downstairs and I saw Louis Mom sitting on the couch.

"April darlin sit here", she said as she patted the seat next to her.

I sat down next to her and she quickly embraced me in a hug. She was like my second mother for me.

"Darlin listen your Mom wanted you to get engaged to Louis and that is what iam going to do. And your mom gave me spare keys for the house so you can take that." she said looking into my eyes.

I didn't know what to say to her.My plans were that I wanted to be with Louis here in this house.

"yea give me the keys later." I say as I hug her.


I was sitting on the bed when my phone rang. I looked to see Harry was calling.

"Hell-o." I say in sobs

"April are you crying?!" Harry asked.

"No!" I say as I wipe my tears

"Iam coming over right now!" And then he cut the phone.

Some minutes later Harry was at the door. Good thing Louis left to do something important.

"OMG APRIL YOUR A MESS!" Harry screams.

"Why do you care you messed me up when you played with me." I say quietly but I think he heard that.

"played with you?! April Louis is the one that is playing with you he just wanted to be in your pants and that happend I tried mt best to stop him but you stopped me and when the-"

"OMG!" I screamed and I ran to Louis room.

"Why did you run here?" Harry asked

"OH NOOOOO Louis recorded me and him he got me back!" I said screaming and I punched the pillow next to me.

"rememered the day you were gonna do it to me but you didn't."


"well he wntwd you to do it cause me and him didn't know we were gonna be engaged and know I let him and he is gonna go show it!!!" I screamed

"April wait were is he?" Harry asked.

"He said he had to go do something important."

"April follow me NOW!" harry said grabbing my hand.

I followed him and we went in his car and he drove us to a bar. He parked and he told me to get out.

"Why are we here?" I asked Harry.

"Let's go see Louis 'Important buisness'"

I walked into the bar and lots of attention came to me. I hid behind Harry because I hate attention.

"Harry I don't have a goid feelin about this." I say as I look up.

I frooze in place and my eyes popped out of my eyes. There was Louis drunk grinding against Elenour!

Tears fell down my face and Harry comforted me.

"Look everything is gonna be ok!"

"NO ITS NOT!, I screamed "First Louis came back in my life, then my Mom died and know this??? WHY DOES GOD HATE ME!" I screamed then turned around and ran but someone grabbed me by the hand.

Harrys p.o.v

Wait did she just say her Mom died?! OMG poor girl I needed to comfort her. I ran outside and I didn't see by the car so I went back inside.

"APRIL!" I screamed but no answer.

I looked around everywhere till I found a guy trying to make out with a girl and she was refusing.

He slid his hand down from her chest to her bum and he squeezed it and she screamed. He crashed his lips on hers very roughly and I couldent see no more.

I went closer and I saw a glimpse of the girl.






p.s today was my birthaday!

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