chapter 13

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Harrys p.o.v

I dropped my phone on the floor and stumbled over to my bed. Had I really heard what April had said.

I never really thought she loved Louis. I couldent believe this! I started to cry because I really loved her and now she is not mine anymore.

Aprils p.o.v

I couldent believe I was doing this. But Harry never loved me it was a dare.

"April babe you ready?" Louis asked me.

I nodded my head and Louis slowly came ontop of me and didn't crush me. He started to kiss me and next thing youknow I was reaching for his belt.


I woke up that morning curled up next to Louis. I was cold and I only had a blanket over me.

I looked over at the Louis and he looked so peaceful for the first time ever since we broke up.

I got up and went to the bathroom to take a warm shower to cool off.

Louis p.o.v

I looked to my side and saw April wasn't there. I smiled at the thought of last night. I bet April heard what me and Harry were talking about.


Now she thinks Harry is the bad guy. We played this game so I can get closer to April and it worked.

Louis my man you are smart. I tell myself.

I hear the shower go off and April comes out with a towel and she looked gourgeous.

Her hair was down and a clip was in it, she was so delecate. Last night I had to be carefull with her.

"Hey beautiful." I say getting up.

"oh hey Louis." she says looking at me.

We look at each other for a long time and I step towards her. I wrap my arms around her waist and I move her hair away from her neck. I lean in and suck on her neck and she winces.

Then I hear the door fly open and I pulled away from April fast. I look up to see who it was.




*who do u think is at the door that made Louis step back from April??


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