Chapter 6

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Hey guys!!! I am listinng to One Direction right now and I am crying!!!! "And I will give all my heart so we can start it all over again" So beautiful words ever! anyways in my story this chapter will  be kind of bad because of Harry and April. I know that Louis and Harry would never do this but.... Story is a story!!


 I watched in horror as he was coming towards me. I wanted to scream and yell but Louis warned me if I did he would hurt me even more. I didnt want him to so I had to deal with this.

  "Please d-ont." I said in sobs but it was no use.

I watched in his green eyes that he didnt want to this. I saw something- it was a little glitter in his eyes and it looked like tears. From there I knew he hated this as much as I did. He was doing this for Louis I just knew it.

  "Sorry girl." he said in a laughing tone but he had a hint of sadness in his voice.

 He came closer to me and took off his shirt. I was scared because I didnt want him to take off my towel. I didnt want to be naked infront of a guy I just met.

 I would be lying if I said he wasnt hot. He had a perfect body and his curls to. His torso was so hot but I still didnt want him to be by me. He was smiling and his dimples were showing.

 I moved back in the back of room and put the towel to my chest and gripped it tight. I looked to the side and tried not to look at his face and I saw Louis there smiling and video taping me! How dare he! Now he would show this everyone. I did what I can and I started to cry.

  "Why you crying and not laughing now!" Louis asked me laughing harder.

 I gave him a cold stare and looked into his eyes. He stoped laughing and I dont know why I lost my love for him. I just wanted to get up and punch him in the mouth so he couldent laugh anymore.

  "Your an embarrasment." I told Louis.

  "I AM AN EMABARRESMENT! he said. " Well look at you know its going to be you now." he said.

  "You were never like this before." I say in a hushed voice.

 The boy with the curly hair stopped coming near me. He stopped in his tracks and had a confused expression on his face.

    "Never like this before? Louis what is happening and why is she talking about the past?" he asks concerned.

 Louis flashed me a expession of disguist. It was as if he was trying to forget the past and as if he wanted to kill me.

  "LOUIS TELL ME NOW I AM YOUR BEST FRIEND!" he yells in anger.

 Louis turned all red and looked staraight at the boy. He had a uneasy feeling I could tell it. To my surprise I saw Louis mouth open.

  "The truth is Harry , me and, and he took a huge gulp of air. "Me and April once dated a long time ago and she broke my heart bad and I always hated her for that and I always would. She humiliated me in front of everyone when she broke my heart", then he paused and looked as if he was about to cry.

  "ARE YOU HAPPY NOW!" he yelled and he marched out of the room.

 I was shocked about how Louis felt about our break up. I didnt mean to humiliate him in front of everyone. I wanted him to deserve what he desreved. I looked at Harry who was still standing there wide eyed.

 He looked at me. "You and Louis-" and I cut him off. " Yes" I said not looking into his eyes. I was to embarresed to actually. This was the first time this topic came on in a long time.

 I watched as he slowly put back on his shirt and he looked toward me. His beautiful eyes were glisting in the light of my room and he opened his mouth to speak.

  " I am sorry that I made you guys remember the past, it was just that I didnt want to do this to you and I didnt wanto to hurt you." he said looking at me straight in the eye.

  "I know." I said looking at him and getting up. I clucthed the towel in my hand so when I got up it wouldent fall down. Then I walked over by Harry and stood next to him.

 I could smell him. He smelled like cinnamion and lavender and he smelled wonderful. When I stood close to him I could see his features more descriptively. His eyes were actually very beautiful from up close.

  "Listen Harry I saw that in your eyes that you didnt want to do this. I could read your eyes and I know it sounds weird." I say blushing.

 We both say nothing for a while except for stare at each other. It felt like I was the princess and for the first time ever I found my prince.

  "I dont know why you broke up with Louis and I also dont know why Louis would ever do this to you, he paused. " I am gonna go check on him okay?" and he went out the room and one more time he glanced back and smiled.

 And from that moment I knew that Harry was my real prince not Louis. And the only thing he did to make me fall in love with him is that

 He Smiled.

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