Chapter 7

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I wore a light blue mini dress that came up to my knees and it was strapless. It had colorful flowers all around it and I loved it. I applied some make up on and ran downstairs.

"Hi Mom!" I said as I came down the stairs.

"Hey honey sit down we have to tell you something important!" My mother exclaimed.

I looked at Louis mom then at Louis. He seemed to calm down now and Harry seemed to be still in shock. My mother looked very happy ever since my Dad had died. I wondered why.

"What do you want to tell me Mom."

"Me and louis mom want to tell you something." She said looking at Louis mom.

I froze for a moment. My mom never had to say something when Louis is here. I hope iit isn't somethin I don't like.

"Yea wh-what is it?" I asked stammering.

"Well we decided that since you and Louis are very close friends and have most or all your classes together we should..."

"WE SHOULD WHAT!" Me and Louis said at the same time.

"WE ARE GETTING YOU GUYS ENGAGGED!" They yelled at the same time.

It felt as if Louis had just stabbed me in the stomach. Me and him hate each other. I

mean H-A-T-E each other. There is no other word to describe our hate.

"Wh-wh-why?" I stammered

"Well since you and Louis have most or all your classes together you guys can look after each ther. Plus you guys make a perfect couple!" Louis Mom said clapping her hands.

"Well Louis already has Ele-." And I stopped because Louis was giving me a dirty look.

"Has what darling?" Louis mom asked.

"Nothing." I said

I looked over at Louis and he seemed to be in shock. Then I looked over at Harry who was even more shocked. I really hated my life right now.

I got up and I ran across the room and ran to my bedroom and closed the door. I jumped on the bed and I didn't care if my dress got ruined. I cried my little eyes out untill someone knocked on the door.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!" I yelled

"May I come in?" He asked in a british accent.

I knsw it was Harry so I wiped my tears and fixed my dress. I told Harry to come in and he did come and he sat down next to me.

"I know you don't like it and neither does Louis."

"Well our moms shouldn't have made a desicion like that." I said throwing a pillow across the floor.

Harry nodded in agreement. Then Harry started to lean into my fce as if he was going to kiss me! I didn't know what to do but I did like Harry. I did what I wanted to do. I leaned in as well untill someone swung open the door.


Me and Harry didn't get to kiss but we turned around at the same time and looked over to see Louis's mouth wide open.

"NOTHING!" Harry said as he jumped off the bed.

"That was something." Louis said as he came towards Harry. "Let's go Harry and I never want you near her qgain!, he screamed then he came by me. "I'll deal with you later."

Harry quickly slid a piece of paper to me. I opened it up and it and it had his phone number in it. Harry was risking his friendship on a end.

For me.

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