Chapter 5

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 Louis p.o.v

 "Come on Harry you have to listen it is a good plan." I tell Harry.

 Harry didnt approve my plan. He said it was *too much* revenge for a little thing. I didnt think that was a little thing. She humiliated me infront of the whole class by her dumb laughing. She sounded like a dying cat.

  "fineeee" he grumbled.

 i was astonished. He actually said yes! Finally I was going to do something she was never going to foget. Something she was gonna regret her whole little life.  Even when she bro- and I stopped.

Louis forget the past and get on with the future. What was done was done, I tell myself.

  "Oh Harry this plan is gonna make her so scared of me that she wouldent ever do anything bad to me again!" I said rubbing my hands together like a evil person.

  "whateve bro just do it fast so I dont have to see her suffer." he says.

 I looked up at him. It was as if he didnt want to do this plan and he really felt sorry for April. He just said he didnt want to see her suffer. 

  "Dude thats the whole point." I say to him.

  "I dont care what the point is I was just kidding I do want to see her suffer!" he said laughing and getting off the couch.

  "Thats the spirit Harry, I say grabbing for my phone and looking at my video camera. "Harry you tape it while I make her suffer." I say

 i was about to hand the phone to Harry when it rang. I looked at the caller I.D and saw that my Mom was calling. I had to pick it up or else she would get worried because I didnt tell her I was at Harrys house.

  "Hello Mom what is it I am at Harrys." I say real quick.

  "I dont care if your at Harrys I want you to come to Aprils house because I need you, and you can bring Harry if you want", she said and she cut the phone.

 She left me hanging my mouth wide open. Actully I wasnt surprised that she was at Aprils house I was surprised that she needed me. Her and Aprils Mom are best friends and I didnt care about that.

  "What happened Louis you look shocked?" Harry asks me

 I turn to him and begain to speak "Harry my Mom NEEDS me at Aprils house."

 Harry looked shocked as well. I mean whenever my Mom went to Aprils house she never called me to come. And today was the first time she did and I knew something was happening.

  "The good news is you can do your plan without sneaking in." Harry said trying to cheer me up.

  "Hahahaha thats very funny but true." I tell Harry.

 I grabbed Harry by his hand and we walked out of his house and into my car. We sat down and I drove off to Aprils house. I hated her house because of all of my memories. Whenever I see that house I think of the past.

  Her house was pretty big. Her house walls were painted blue and she had alittle garden out side of  her house. She loved flowers and planting stuff. there were 3 windows on one side of the house asnI knew which one was her room.

 I stopped the car and me and Harry got out. I closed the door behind me slowly and Harry copied me. Then we walked up to the front porch and I gave my phone to Harry for the camera. Then I knocked on the door.

  Aprils p.o.v

 I didnt know why my Mom looked so happy all of a sudden. It was like she wanted to tell me something very important. Her hair was in her face and she actually put on some make- up eversince Dad had died. This was something special.

  "Whats happening Mom?" I ask her as I come down the stairs.

 She looked at me and frowned in a bad way. She came closer to me and was looking at my clothes I was wearing.

  "April go take a shower and wear something really good."

  "But why-"

  "Just go!" she ordered and I had to listen to her.

 I started to walk our brown caramel colored stairway. I was halfway up when I heard a knock on the door. I turned around but Mom told me to keep walking and she will check who it is. I grunted and walked up the room and just closed it.

Harrys p.o.v

 I entered her house and it was pretty decent. There was a brown colored big staircasein the middle of the living room. There were 3 leather sofas on my left and 2 by my right. There was fake flowers all over the glass showcase.

 "Louis I dont think this is right." I say unsure.

  "Come on Harry it will be easy she wont dare to tell anyone trust me." he answered.

We walked up to Louis and Aprils mom. They all looked so excited and I didnt want to hear the news after the suffering.

  "Louis lets go to the bathroom for a bit okay." I said eyeing him a suspicious look.

 He got the message and the moms said okay but we have to be back in a bit. As we were walking up the stairs Louis phone rang.

  "Who was it Louis?" I asked.

 He looked at me in dissapointment like this plan was a fail. Matter a fact I would be glad if it was because I dont want to record it.

  "Dude I totally forgot about Elenour, if she finds out she will break up with me then kill me." 

  "What should we do now?"

 At first we went up to the bathroom Louis was thinking hard. He really wanted to do this plan and to see him dissapointed made me feel bad.

  "I GOT IT!, he said loudly. "Harry I tape it while you make her suffer!" He said in a happy voice.

 My jaw hit the floor. First of all I didnt even like this plan, and I didnt even want to make April suffer. She doesnt know who I am but I sure know who she is.

  "No-oo-oo Louis I cant to this." 

  "Harry no please do it for a friend and she doesnt even know who you are please!!!" he pleaded and I felt bad for saying no.

  "Fine but its not going in detail okay." I said serious.

  "Sure buddy!" louis said half smirking and half smiling...

  Aprils p.o.v

 I thought I heard my room door open but I knew that I was just hearing things. I came out of the hot staeming shower and grabbed my towel. I dried my red hair and went out my bathroom door.

 I steped into the room and the first thing I saw was Louis smiling. Then I saw a curly haired kid, had green eyes, and when he was smiling he had dimples.  I was extermely shocked and I was about to run back in the bathroom when Louis grabbed my hand.

  "Where ya think your going honey?" Louis asked.

 I tried to lose Louis grip but it was no use. He was to strong for me and I was a little weakling.

  "Please dont do anything to me Louis." I said tears going down my face.

  "I am not going to do anything to you April, then he stopped and pointed at Harry. "He is."

 My eyes grew wide and I started to plead. "No Louis dont please!" but he only laughed. Plus it was to late.

 The curly kid was already closing the door, coming near me, and taking off his shirt.

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