Chapter 18

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Alison's P.O.V

You could feel the tension in the air. Everyone was waiting to see what my reaction will be. She slapped ME. My anger was beginning to boil.

I looked at her and saw that she had a smirk on her face. I was going to give her one last chance to apologize to me. She clearly does not know who she is messing with it. "Ok I'm going to give you one last chance to-" Then she slapped me again. Jason tried to pull me back and he was not able to move me.

Jason knew what was going to happen so did the rest of my pack. They backed up and the others just stayed there. "Now I hope you can give me the respect that i deserve," Megan stated. I slowly turned towards her my eyes changed color, but i held back. She was standing there smirking like she had won.

Jason stepped forward a bit and said to Matthew, "maybe you should get this gargbage out of the way." Megan just stood there as if no one willbsay anything to her. "Or what? you cant touch me. If you even try to put a finger on me you-" i punched her right in the face. She flew back about a two feet. When someone pisses me off dont expect me to go easy.

Jason and everyone stood there watching. Megan got up and was bleeding from her nose. Blood dripped from her nose and if you ask me she looks better that way.

She screeched.

"You little ho-" i round house kick her to a nearby tree. I walked towards her with anger in my eyes. I was standing in front of her and she was now bleeding from her mouth. She tried slapping me again, but i caught her hand. And broke it.
"Alison!" I half turned and saw Jason a few feet from me. I turned back towards Megan. I grabbed her by the neck and pinned her to the tree, "Next time you disrespect me in front of my pack, i will not hesitate to kill you." I let her go and stocked back to the packs. I was about to pass Matthew, but not before i whispered low enough just for him to hear me, "if any of your pack members disrespects me or my pack again, i will kill them." I walked to the other end of the lawn.

"Now lets get down to business," i said.

Everyone was now focused on Megan, the only ones who were focused on me were my pack.

"I suggest you focus over here unless you want to end up like her," and at that moment i had everyone's attention. There is no going back, this is where i can show that loser of an alpha what being an alpha really is.

I felt Matthew's, Alex's and Alistair's eyes on me.

That was intense Alison, was that really necessary, Jason said.

She started it and besides if i dont show who they are messing with then they will never respect me. Not as a woman nor as an alpha, and besides she had her chance to apologize she chose to be humiliated, i simply replied. I directed my attention to the packs.

"We will begin with how much you actually know. I want to see what we have to work on before we can even think about moving to the next level," i said aloud. Then some freaking retarded person had the guts to reply,"what if we know how to fight and we dont need training?"

"I highly doubt it, but if you manage to take me down then i will let you go about your business," i said with full confidence.

A man came to the front of the pack and stood up trying to stare me down. He has blonde hair and very brown eyes.

I stared up not about to back down. "Lets go pretty boy, lets see what you got." I back up a bit and waited. He looked back to Matthew and he just stared at him. I smirked, "well looks like someone has to ask for permission to get his ass beaten." The man just turned back around and was ready to attack.

He took a swing at me but i dodged. He stumbled forward. He came again and this time he was going to kick. I went down did a low round house kick, he fell and landed hard.

He was breathing hard. I was barley breaking a sweat. The man got back up and he was becoming furious. He come and swung at me again i grabbed his arm and flipped him. I turned him over so that he was facing down i still had his arm in my hand and kept him pinned. He struggled to get up but couldn't. "Rule number one: NEVER UNDERESTIMATE YOUR OPPONENT." I said to make sure everyone heard. I got up and began to walk away. The man came up and charged for me from behind. I did a back round house kick and he flew back.


Before he could get up you hear Matthew yell, "thats enough Leo!" The man just stood there looking at me.

"My beta will take over from here," i said.

Jason make sure everyone is training ill be back as soon as i can, I told him through the mindlink.

Where are you going? He asked.
I have something to do, that was all i said before i took off. I had a feeling while i was fighting that guy. Something is terribly wrong. The hairs on my arms were standing up. I just hope im not too late.

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