Chapter 47

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Jason's P.O.V

I grabbed my lighter from my pocket and lit the torch. There was a spiral staircase going down. "Alright it's a bit old, but this should lead us to where we need to go," I explained. I saw Nathan walk to Ana and whispered, "What do you think?" Ana ignored him and took the torch from me and took the lead. Well that warm.

I followed right after her so did Nathan. We reached the bottom of the stairs and continued to walk until we reached a fork.

"So now where?" I asked. Ana turned back to get directions from me. "Go left," I answered.

She didn't waste time, as she continued on ahead of us and we walked in silence.

I was beginning to feel agitated, "Ana, let me hold to that." I took the torch from her.

"Yea sure, sorry about that back there," she said. Nathan was still behind us, but I knew that Ana was upset about something.

"Is everything alright with you and Nathan?" I wasn't trying to make her feel uncomfortable. I was just curious.

"Just peachey," she said through clenched teeth. I knew better then to ask again, so I left it at that. We continued on until we reached a fork with three paths. 

I went straight then took a left turn right after that. I stopped in the middle to examine the wall. I was looking for something that Alison had told me long ago. 

Ana asked, "Looking for something in particular?" 

I had finally spotted it. There was a carving of a wolf and a writing underneath it. This let's me know that I was going the right way. We were almost to the exit. 

"We're almost there," I said. It was just a few more feet away. The light was beginning to shine more and more. There was a ladder at the end and a holder for the torch, and I place it in the holder. 

I began to climb, "Wait here, I need to make sure that it is all clear and there are no rogues around."

Once i made it to the top, I pushed the door open a bit, not making it too obvious. I looked around and saw no one there. I climbed all the way out and stuck my head back in the hole. 

"Alright Ana you can come up now, we are good to go," I stood up and looked over the bushes. 

"Where are we?" Ana asked. 

Nathan was just getting out. "Not far from the falls. It's dead ahead beyond those trees," I responded. I walked around Ana and Nathan to make sure that we were in the right place. 

"Okay let's get going before we are caught," I went on ahead to the falls which was not far thankfully because I can't stand the silent rage Ana is having. 

As we got closer we were able to near the  water falls. The water sounded like roaring thunder. "Tell me is it as beautiful as I saw in my head?" 

I thought to myself, what kind of question is that. I replied, "Well, I don't know. It's not like i can read your mind, so you will have to decide that for yourself," I said as we passed the edge of the forest and stood at the front staring at the magnificent falls. 

This is the place where Alison had brought us to grow closer as a pack and family. This was her childhood when her parents were still alive. I haven't been here in years. I turned around around and saw Ana doing something that resembles taking a picture.

We walked over to the entrance, but we all stopped in our tracks. "You guys feel that?" 

How couldn't we? There was a lot of trouble heading our way. "Looks like we will be having some company after all," I joked. 

Alison we maybe in a little bind here, I said through mind link. It took a while for her to respond. 

I'm no my way I shouldn't take to long to get there,  Alison responded. 

I'm not really worried about Alison, she can handle herself. 

"I'm sure we can handle some company, two wolves and a witch, no problem," Ana explained. I loved her confidence, but I knew better than to underestimate rogues. 

Once the rogues reached the edge we began to head towards them. There were about a little bit over fifty give or take. Where the hell did all this rogues come from? I asked myself. We begin to attack I stay in my human form and began to take down rogues one by one. 

They were attacking all at the same time.  I would grab the rogues and toss them all around. I had to speed up so that i won't get attacked all at once. 

I don't kill unless I have no other choice. In this case i may not have another choice. I'm trying really hard to avoid it. 

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my arm and I saw a wolf biting down on my arm. I couldn't shake it off, and I tried punching it. 

I grabbed the upper jaw and was able to open it just enough to release my arm;however, the wolf did not back down. So I went behind it and gripped his neck. And with both arms I squeezed and I broke his neck. 

As that was happening I noticed Ana in the air on a broom. 

There's more coming another 50 give or take, a voice echoed in my head. 

What the? who's this?, I asked

It was really strange for me. Then the voice chuckled, It's me Ana. Then another voice joined in, And Nathan.

Woah this is freaky I never mind linked someone who wasn't a pack member, let alone someone who is not wolf, I answered.

Welcome to my world, Ana retorted. Ana came back down as I continued to take down wolves from all over. 

I felt another sharp pain this time on my right leg, and i yelled in pain. I looked down at the wolf and I poked at it's eyes and it loosened it's grip. I roundhouse kicked it against other wolves. 

Sorry I'm late stupid rogues couldn't wait until I arrived, Alison said as she appeared from the forest. 

Now that we took care of most of the wolves for now Ana walked over to us and Nathan did as well after shifting to human form. 

"Good to see you," Ana commented. 

"Same here," Alison replied.

Alison looked around to make sure there were no more rogues. "So exactly what is it that we are waiting for?" Alison questioned. 

Ana said," There's another pack of rogues coming from the south, they'll be here soon."

Alison faced towards the south and it seemed as if she was looking for something specific. She turned back and asked, "Did you get what you came here for?" 

"We were attacked before we were able to," Nathan spoke. 

That was true the rogues appeared and we didn't have enough time. 

"Okay, Ana and I will head to the falls to retrieve whatever it is you need. Jason and Nathan will stay here and stand guard. Make sure to give is time."

This is what makes Alison a great alpha she doesn't panic in a time of crisis, she keeps calm and comes up with a solution. 

I'm proud to call her my alpha. 

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