Chapter 56

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Alison's P.O.V.

All I could do was look at him. Conner, my third in command was the one who helped Jake sneak inside the territory.

But something was still bothering me. It took more than the two of them to come up with a plan like this. There is something that I'm missing.

"I can see that this is a lot to process. I mean to have your own pack turn against you, doesn't feel good does it," he implied.

I took one step, and that's all it took for Conner to step in front of Jake.

"Tell me why, Conner" I demanded.

"What do you me to say, Alison? I can't just let you kill what family I have left. Your uncle has taken enough from us already," his voice didn't sound confident like Jake's, but more like defeated.

I then looked passed Conner and looked at Jake, "Your parents were infected with the virus, Conner. My uncle was asked by them to kill them so they wouldn't harm anyone." He looked surprised. 

"Conner don't listen to her she's lying to you. Her uncle killed our parents in cold blood, even Jason's parents," he growled. 

Conner then looked at me. He doesn't know the truth. 

"Step aside Conner this fight is between Jake and I. I don't want to hurt you," I stood up straight trying to maintain my composure. He didn't move. I held on to my side, as I felt my strength failing me. 

"Conner, I will not tell you again move aside," this time i raised my voice a little not using my alpha tone. I took a step and Conner was prepared to fight me. I ran towards Conner and slid under him, I hit behind his neck and he collapsed. 

I just knocked him out. "Why make Conner do your dirty work? Why not fight me like the coward you are?" I hissed. 

I suddenly felt a slight movement behind me, I ducked and turned. Conner was up, but a bit unstable. 

"Leave...him alone," Jason breathed. Dammit Conner. "Conner listen to me, your parents wouldn't want you to do this," I said. Perhaps telling him what I know would help him see. 

"How do you know what they wanted for me?" Conner answered. 

"Because there is a video explaining everything," I responded. 

Conner wasn't expecting to hear that, neither did Jake. "What video?" Conner asked. "There is a video that your parents made, they knew that you would need to know what really happened. They left behind a video behind. My uncle kept it until you were ready," I said. 

Conner stood there in confusion trying to make sense of this. Jake got infuriated and he pushed Conner aside. "If you wont finish this then I will." He came at me again and I quickly dodged his attack. I was still trying to regain my strength, which I am almost recovered. 

"Why do you want to kill me so badly, huh? This just can't be about your parents," I asked as I continued to doge his attacks. He goes for an uppercut and I stop his fist, punched him and kicked him backwards. 

"You still don't get it. I need your blood, with your blood I can have the moon god grant me one wish," he then went for me again and missed. "What makes you so sure that the moon god would grant you a wish?" 

"Because the only thing that can summon him is the blood of a legacy alpha female," he shifted to his wolf and charged at me.  His wolf was a brown with a giant white spot on his back.  I just need to keep him occupied for just a bit longer. 

I looked around for some kind of safe place until I can heal. I saw this tree that is perfect, he wont be able to climb in his wolf form. He lunged at me and I jumped over him, before I landed, I grabbed his tail. My feet hit the ground and with all the strength I can muster, I flip him and toss him towards the trees. He goes back breaking a few trees. 

At that moment I run to the tree and began to climb. 

When I was high enough, I begin to relax a bit. I need to end this here, if I want to keep my pack safe, I told myself. 

"Where are you, you pathetic weakling?" Jake snarled. I closed my eyes an eased my breathing. I take deep long breaths. I can feel my strength finally being restored. 

5...4..3...2...1...I open my eyes and I feel great. Although my wounds aren't healed, I can still defeat Jake. 

I look down to see where Jake is and I see him with Conner. Jake is still in his wolf form, and he is growling at Conner. From where I am I can jump on Jake's back. I carefully crouch and get ready to jump. 

I inhaled and exhaled. I use the branch to push myself of and I land of the back of Jake. I grab his fur as he begins to buckle around as if he was some wild bull. I hold on tight, so I won't fall and as I grab on with my right hand, with my left hand I punched him in back of the head. He tumbles and I fall to the ground. 

I get up and I am ready to kick some ass. 

"YOU INSOLENT BRAT!" He lunged and I dodge. I I kicked his side, making him wince. Now that I got my strength back, my punches and kicks hurt like hell. 

"You made my pack suffer for your stupidity," I grabbed his hind legs and tossed him to the other side. As he got up I ran towards him and tackled him, causing the tree to break. He growled at me, which meant nothing. 

"You had your own brother do your dirty work," I punched him in his snout. 

"You insulted my uncle," I kicked him.

"And most of all, you pissed me off," I picked him up and tossed him once again. He landed on the other side where I was just standing. As I walked towards him, I slowly began to shift to my wolf. 

My black fur began to sprout, and I went on my hands, which now became paws. I was now in my wolf form. I growled as I stopped a few feet from him. 

"You are going to pay dearly for what you have done and I will make sure to make you suffer," I growled as I saw the fear in Jake's eyes.

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