Chapter 53

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Matthew's P.O.V

I walk into the house and there was no one in sight. I looked around and so did Alistair, but spotted no one.  

Then Jason and another person appeared.  A man, I don't know why, but I have this feeling about him that makes me want to bite his throat out. "Jason, what happened?" I asked and his face automatically goes white. He didn't expect to see us so soon. 

"Matt, Alistair, what are you doing here? How did you pass the border?" He asked as he looked between us and the guy next to him.

"When we got to the border there was no one there, we waited, but nothing so we just  came through and saw that everyone was in such a hurry. Someone told us that Aiya has been taken," Jason's face said it all. It was true.

"How can you not tell us?" Alistair asked.

"Hey, I don't know who you are but Jason doesn't have to tell you anything about Alison," the man stepped into the conversation. I looked at him and he seemed to be more familiar. 

Jason put an arm to the guy's chest to back him up, "Ren, now it's not the time."

I balled my hands into fists. 

"Ren, this is Matthew and Alistair. Matthew is the alpha of the Silver Moon Pack, Alistair is one of the Betas of the pack, and also Al-"

"Alison's brother," he finished. I narrowed my eyes. How did he know who he was? 

"And I'm her mate," I added. Ren automatically growled and glared at me. 

"If I remember correctly, you rejected her and gave her something that will remind her of the pain you caused. The moment she left your pack was the moment you lost her," Ren argued. Jason kept his hand on Ren's chest. 

"Who the hell are you to speak to me like that?"

"Someone who has taken your place beside Alison, " Ren answered. I was about to attack right then and there until we heard fighting outside. 

Jason ran outside and we all followed. There were wolves fighting everywhere, some were in human form. "What the hell?" 

There weren't any rogues around so why is the pack fighting each other. 

Even though Jason is not their beta, he still has rights of a beta. 

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING HERE?!" He shouted. All the wolves stopped, so did those in human form. "They don't think that Alison is still alive," someone said. That made my blood boil and it made Jason furious too. 

"And what makes you think that she isn't?" Jason questioned. 

Nobody answered. For the strongest pack in the country they sure do give up easily. 

I couldn't just stand by and watch anymore so I stepped in, "You are her pack, she is your alpha and you are just going to give up just like that? I may not know much about your pack, or about how you guys do things, that shouldn't stop you from looking for her." 

Everyone was now watching me. I took a step down from the porch. 

"I know I'm the wrong person to be saying this, but Alison is still alive. I know she is. She is the alpha of not only the strongest pack in the country, but also the world. Alison has suffered through so much and I am the one to blame. I accept that, but it doesn't mean that she deserves to go through more pain."

I see people thinking about what I just said. I meant every word I said. I made Alison suffer, and i may regret it the rest of my life, but I will be damned if I let anyone else cause her any harm. 

I turned around and I saw Jason, Alistair and that guy Ren looking at me. Jason walked down and joined me, "Let's go find our Alpha." Everyone all shouted in agreement. They all began to move even faster than they were before.

Jason turned to face me and said, "Thanks for that, after what happened between me and Alison, they don't look at me the same way." I can tell that it stung him a little, to know that your own pack is against you. 

Alistair then joined us. "Now who can possibly take Alison? I mean if they wanted an alpha why didn't they just go for any other alpha?" Jason and were both thinking the same thing. Who wants Alison so bad that they actually risk taking her directly from her own territory? i though to myself.

"Before any of this she has a suspicion," Jason interrupted my train of thought.

"What suspicion?" I asked.

Jason seemed puzzled like he's hiding something, "What are you talking about?" Even though i asked again I don't think Jason heard me at all. 

"Where can she be? There are not many options of where they taken her. They have to be in a place where no one would ever think to look, " Alistair contributed. 

Jason seems like he had a hunch about something, "Jason, any thought of where she can be?"  

Jason looked at us, "There is a place where they may have taken her. Alison had hunch about something that may have led to here disappearance. 

"What was it exactly?" Alistair asked. 

"I don't know, but it seems to me that she knew who poisoned her." 

"What!" I exclaimed.

"It happened that day, when we got attacked at the bar. When we had taken Alex back to the pack house, and after you left. I came back and I saw her on the ground."

I balled my fists up and that guy Ren didn't seem phased by it. 

"I took her back to the pack house, and she seemed to have been poisoned with silver. A good amount that could have put her into a coma, or worse. When Julie was about to inject her with antigen, Alison suddenly got better."

I looked at Alistair then back at Jason. How is that even possible?

"We couldn't explain it. Once Alison came to i asked her about it and she told me that she had some in her system already," Jason continued. 

I looked a Ren and it seems like he knew already, "I asked her how long has she been like that and she said she has been like that for 12 years." 

My eyes grew wide, not because it was a really long time, but because...I am the cause of that. All those years abusing her with silver, never allowing her to go to the pack doctor. It was all because of me. 

Jason then stated, "She grew some kind of immunity to silver; however, because of all that silver is in her system, her healing process has slowed immensely." I couldn't take it anymore.

I walked away into the forest. Memories of what happened began popping into my head, she could be in serious danger because of this. 

What have I done?  

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