Chapter 55

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Alison's P.O.V

Jake and I stood facing each other. I felt my strength slowly returning to me, which meant I have to stall so I can regain as much as I can. 

" Looks like Its just us again, my dear Alison."

I still feel the pain of my wounds, which have not completely healed yet. I tried to come up with something that can distract him long enough. "Why do you hate my uncle so much?" I asked. Jake's face showed that he was angry. 

"Your uncle took everything from me. I'm glad that he is dead," Jake stated. 

"He was your alpha. He loved you and your family. Why do insist that he did something to you?" I questioned. He stepped closer, closing the gap between us, even more. He was now a foot away from me.

"Your family has done nothing, but take away what was dear to me." He grabbed my neck and pinned me to the wall. I took hold of his wrist trying pull his arm off. "It seems to me that you didn't know your uncle as well as you thought. He kept many secrets from all of us," Jake spat. 

He then tossed me to the opposite side of where I stood. I coughed trying to catch my breath. I get up and looked at Jake. "What do you mean secrets?" 

"There was a virus at the time that had spread throughout the land, only affecting werewolves. The virus made the host turn savage in a sense that they would attack whomever they seem as a threat. Whether they be friend or foe," he explained. 

"So? That was dealt with years ago. It no longer affects us," I  replied, as I got up on my feet. I leaned against the wall for support. He pulled a small dagger from behind him, and pointed it at me, "Your uncle was the person who killed my parents in cold blood, during that time."

I said nothing, I just stood there staring at him. 

"That was not his fault," I objected. 

"You don't know what you are talking about, how could possibly know anything about it?"

I struggled to straighten up, but i managed to do so. I clenched my fists, checking to see how much strength I regained. 

Suddenly I felt a slight pressure and my arm began to glow, I lifted my sleeve and noticed my mark that Ana gave me was the one making the light. I then felt a rush of energy flow throw me. 

Before the glow faded, I heard a whisper telling me, "It's not much, but this should help. Good Luck, my friend." 

I smirked. Ana you are just full of surprises, I told myself. I wasn't fully healed, but I have enough to kick Jake's ass. I knew that we can't battle in here so we had to take this outside. 

My back was facing the exit, and Jake was on the opposite side. I turned and ran towards the exit hoping to at least get more room. I heard Jake growled and he began to chase me. 

I was able to feel the outside breeze, i was almost there. When the view was blocked off by rogues. Just my luck right. I kept my speed and just looked at the rogues. I felt alpha power extend and I Knew they felt it since they moved and bowed their heads. 

I ran passed them making it to the forest. Once i knew i was a good distance I hid behind a tree, trying to catch my breath and regain more of my strength. I did manage to heal a bit and regain a portion of strength. 

"You can't hide from me, you worthless excuse of an alpha!" Jake yelled. 

"Whoever said I was hiding?" I answered back. I knew he was near, so I stayed where I was and let him come to me. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths, relaxing my heart and controlling my breathing. 

Jake was now a few feet from where I was, "Come on out, or you too scared to face a real alpha?" He boasted. 

I took a stepped from behind the tree coming into his view. "An alpha stands up for himself, a real alpha stands up for his pack. You are neither." 

"My uncle, did what was necessary to protect his pack. That is something you will never understand, due to your blindness rage against him," I inform. 

That is what finally sets him off and he charges. I remain in my position and as he was about to strike I moved to my left and avoided his blade. I back up, just in case he feels like throwing that blade at my head. 

He comes at me again this time he lifts his hand and brings his hand down. His right hand held the blade, so as he brings is down, I grab his wrist and I flipped him. Still holding his wrist I pinned his arm behind him and I managed to take the blade away. 

I toss it, but at that very moment he flipped us over so that he was on top pinning me. He tried punching my face, but i move to the side and i punch him. That was enough for me to roll to the side and remain out of his reach. 

I stand and he does the same. He comes at me again, I do the same and right when he is about to swing I slide underneath his legs and kicked his legs so that he falls, He tumbles a bit. I run towards him and tackle him from behind. He falls face first and I turn him I began punching his face like a punching bag. 

I got in a couple of punches before he manages to grab my fist and shove me off, bit i got back to my feet. 

He starts getting up, and his face is full of blood. He spits out blood and looks at me, "You are the same as your uncle willing to kill anyone who gets in your way.

"Stop it. You know nothing of my uncle," I retorted. 

I charge for him now. He was about to make a move, but I was faster than him. I ran to a tree and pushed myself off of it and landed behind him. He swung his arm back, I duck and I punch his ribs and grab his arm. I kept punching his side and i kicked his legs and As he was about to fall i used my free hand to push him down with more force. 

I pinned his arm down with my foot and held a hand on his neck. 

"Your parents were infected with the virus. They asked my uncle to end them. They didn't want to put anyone they cared about in harms way," I finally told him the truth. 

"You liar!" he spat. 

"Your parents weren't the only ones affected, by it...Jason's parents were also affected, by it as well." 

I didn't seem to notice that Jake had another blade hidden, with his free hand he reached for it and stabbed my shoulder. I yelled in pain. Jake broke free. I quickly backed away from him putting some distance between us. 

"Let me guess your uncle was the one who ended their lives," he sarcastically said. 

"They each chose their fate, they rather die than harm their loved ones," I shot back.

He began to laugh, "Since you finally manage to tell the truth, I'll let you on a little secret of my own." I looked at him confused. 

I then felt someone approach us. Hidden in the shadows was a figure, I tried to make him out, but i couldn't.

"Come on out don't be shy, why don't you come and greet our guest," he spoke to the figure. 

As the figure began to step closer Jake was telling me, "As you may already know I had a little help getting you here. Trust me it wasn't easy, but thanks to him, I managed perfectly fine." 

And at that moment, the figured stepped into the light and my eyes grew wide. 

"Hello, Alison," his voice echoed in my mind as I stared at him. 


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