Chapter 33

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Jason's P.O.V

What did I just do?

Not only did I talk back to my alpha, I humiliated her by rubbing in the fact that she was a bad alpha.

I ran my fingers through my hair pissed at what I just did. I don't know what to do. Do I go after her or just let her go? I paced back and forth in the empty office. I looked at the place where she stood as I almost crushed her with the desk.

I shouldn't have reacted that way especially since she had suffered so much not that long ago. i did this to her, almost losing my best friend. I grab the chair where I sat and threw it to the wall leaving a dent.

Was I right telling her what I told her? I mean she is hiding the fact that she is their sister, and they are sorry for what happened six years ago.

Then I began to think, what if it goes further than what happened six years ago?

I thought back to what Alison said, "Perhaps you can go back in time when my parents were killed trying to save me..." Maybe it began at that moment, can it be possible? It doesnt matter she lied to me, to all of us and that is unforgivable. I was beginning to get more frustrated with myself, so I went to the balcony and jumped off.

I went into the forest to clear my head. The trees were tall and spacious. I shifted into my wolf form and walked among the trees. Being in my wolf form calms me down; it's more natural to me. Since I'm in my wolf form my senses are heightened.

Everything seems so peaceful, from the wind blowing in the trees to the smell of the water in the air. The wind blew through my fur and it felt great. I walked towards the stream.

I don't know what to do, she has done so much for us, for me.

I lay down on my stomach and watched the water go down the stream.

I growled in frustration. "Why is this so hard for me?" I said aloud. I got up not being able to enjoy my time by the stream.  I paced back and forth not being able to decide what i should do. 

Everyone to the pack house now! I heard Alison say through the mindlink. I took off and ran to the pack house. As i got closer i began to smell something burning. 

What the hell? I see wolves fighting and people fighting wolves. I bare my teeth and join the fight. I helped out some who were in need of it.

I look around to see if I can find Alison, but she is no where to be seen. With all this chaos going on I can't see anything.


It was Alison talking through the mind link. Alison thank God are you okay, I replied.

Nevermind that go to the silver moon pack and tell them we need help now! She boasted.

I had to listen since she used her alpha tone. I turned to the forest and ran. I ran towards the Silver Moon Pack, hopefully they help.

I get there in no time, but I don't stop at the border I don't have time for that. I ran towards their pack house in high hopes that Matthew would come out.

"Hold it right there you are not permitted here without the alpha's permission!" I didn't care my pack was in trouble.

Ahead I saw the pack house and was able to see the alpha standing there. Thank goodness. As i got closer to the pack house I heard Matthew yell out, "Stop right there you rogue." I began to slow down and stepped into the clearing. "Matthew it's me, Jason," I explained before getting anybody.

"Who the hell do you think you are crossing -" I cut him off before he could rant on about his stupidity.

"Listen I don't have much time right now, the pack is under attack and we need  your help," I explained. Matthew's expression changed, and glanced at the betas. "Why doesn't she come and ask us herself?" 

Is this asshole being serious? Being in my wolf form I snarled, "We are under attack; we are losing people as we speak, and you're asking me why my alpha didn't come to ask you herself?!" 

Jason! What's going on? Are they're coming or not? Alison seemed like she was battling hard. I can hear the struggle she is having trying to speak to me even through mind link. 

The alpha is being stubborn and he won't budge he wonders why didn't you come and ask for help yourself? I replied. She seemed so pissed i can hear her snarling from all the way over hear. She then answered, Come back I don't want to waste time trying to persuade people who are not willing to actually help out others. 

I growled at Matthew and the betas, and began to retreat.

"Where are you going? I thought you needed our help?" Matthew pointed out

"My alpha told me to go back, she doesn't want to waste time with people who won't help others because of their gigantic ego," I huffed. I turn around and faced the forest before I entered the shadows of the forest I turned my head just a little and said, "if you ever cared for your mate, your sister, you wouldn't waste a minute standing here bitching about who came to ask for your help."

I ran back to my pack hoping I wasn't too late. It took me about five minutes to get there at my full speed. There were still struggling.

"Alison!" I barked.

Some rogues were heading my way. I growled and headed for them. I jumped on top of one and bit his head off. One snuck up behind me and try to grab me from around neck. I struggled against his grip not giving him a chance to choke me.

I rolled around and managed to grab the leg and throw him to group of rogues heading towards the house.

"I have had enough of this!" My eyes searched for Alison. I spotted her in the middle of the yard.

As I looked closer she seemed to have the leader of this attack right under her foot.

He didn't seem like the type of person to be responsible for this. Someone else is at work here and I promise I won't stop until I find out what or who it is.

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