Chapter 54

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Alison's P.O.V

4 days passed...

I couldn't tell what day it was or how much time had passed?

I don't think I was going to stay awake for much longer. I had endured what they have done to me, but my body can only withstand so much.

The people who were torturing me left a while ago, leaving me alone in the room. I tried to regain myself, but I was just to exhausted.

"Hey, don't give up on me now," Jake had returned. I was losing feeling in my arms and the wounds that I received earlier were now pulsating.

I didn't want to give in and give Jake what he wanted. I'm breathing heavily, and trying to keep my pain under control, but it seems I'm failing at it. Jake came from behind me and pressed on a wound that was on my right side. I yelled in pain and he maintained his hand there for a while.

My feet weren't touching the ground, so I couldn't relieve the pain off my wrists. When Jake moved his hand away from my side he walked to the table where the weapons were placed after being used.

Jake grabbed a chain from the table; he caressed the chain against my skin. "Your body is already covered up in scars and I still can't seem to determine if it's super sexy, or just plain pitiful," his voice had a sadistic tone to it.

With the chain wrapped around his hand he punched me in the gut, and i spat out blood. I got this metallic taste in my mouth. "This is what the alpha of the strongest packs look like. So pathetic, so weak, such a sad excuse of an alpha."

After he punched me a few more times, he left without saying a word. I couldn't take the pain anymore. I feel my eyes closing, so hopefullly I can rest before they return. As i finally close my eyes , i hear this whisper in my head.

It felt like a dream, but I felt someone trying to contact me. Alison, please answer me, the voice said. I  groaned.  Please Alison i know you can hear me, the voice said. I groaned again, except this time i answered back. Jason is that you? I answered.

Thank the moon god! We have been trying to reach you, Jason sounded relieved.

I can't keep my eyes open, Jason.

No, Alison listen to me, you have got to stay awake, he urged.  I don't think i was going to stay awake the pain was beginning to subside a bit, but not enough. I close my eyes, and suddenly i felt my chains being loosened.

I open my eyes and I see Jason. I still think I'm dreaming, until I hear Jason's voice, "We're here now don't worry." I gave a small smile, "Never...make a... woman...wait," I whispered. Jason's head turned towads me.

"Omg Alison, I am so sorry. I didn't protect, and you got kidnapped because of me."

"Jason, stop. You did nothing wrong. We were all blindsided. The important thing right now is getting the hell out of here," I said without stuttering. Jason was about to pick me up, but someone else came from behind Jason.

"Ren?" I looked at him and all of my memories of him came rushing through my mind. He gave that half smile that i have always loved. "Im here, Alison." I tried lifting my arm, but i couldn't lift it too high.

"You killed Dereck," I stated.

Jason then intervened, "It's a long story, but right now we have to get out of here."

Ren picked me up bridal style and walked towards the door. Jason looked to make sure the coast was clear. He then signaled, that is was all clear. Ren followed a few steps behind Jason just in case we had to move out the way.

We then turned the corner into a large hall and there about 5 wolves standing guard. They all looked at us and growled. Jason shifted into his wolf and roared. Whether they are rogues or not they have to bow to a higher rank.

Some tried to fight against it, and failed. Ren and I managed to get through without trouble, and Jason stayed behind just in case the wolves tried anything. I felt my stregnth returning little by little.

I tried bringing myself closer to Ren's body. His scent made me feel more calm. We then turned the last corner before the exit, When a figure stood there in the shadows. "Going somehwere? the voice said.

Oh no. "Jake," I whispered.

"Put me down," I odered Ren. He seemed hesitant, but he did as Isaid.

I had one hand on his shoulder, trying to keep my balance and not fall. "My dear Alison, you don't look well," Jake smugged. My hand balled up and Ren's body became more tense. "Jake, Jake Gordon?" Ren asked.

"It's been a while, Ren. It's sad, you are about to see the woman you love die right before your eyes," he teased.

"You should know that feeling right, Jake? After all, Carmen was killed in your arms." Jake went from completely calm to red eyes in less than a second.

"You have no right to speak of her, you filthy rat," Jake exclaimed. Ren gripped my arm and held on tight. Jason then came around the corner and stopped next to me. "What are you guys-?" he looked ahead and his eyes grew wide.

"Jake? Is it really you?

"Long time no see, cousin,"Jake spat. I furrowed my brows wondering. What the hell is he talking about, Jason? Is he your cousin? i asked through mindlink. Jason didn't respond he just stared at Jake.


Yes, he is, technically. My aunt married his dad after my uncle passed away. His mother was killed, but no one knows by who, so was his father. After my aunt was killed by rogues,  and Jake was exiled I looked after Conner, he answered. 

I had now realized, they were family. 

"Ren take Alison and get out of here this is between family," Jason stood his ground. 

"That is not going to happen," I stated. 

"Alison please I-"

"I said no. I don't care if you are family we are family, we are a pack and we stick together. I am the alpha and it is my job to make sure my pack doesn't suffer."

Ren was about to interfere, but I raised my hand to silence him. "Get out of here while you can, he wants me not you so leave," Jason and Ren was hesitant. 

"Don't make me repeat myself," I ordered. Jason began heading towards the exit that was behind Jake. He wasn't going to stop them after all. 

Just before Ren left, he stepped in front of me, "I don't like this. This may be what he wants, you're probably going into a trap." Ren was concerned. 

"That may be, but whatever happens I can't let him hurt my pack," I replied. 

We both looked at each others eyes and his were filled with sadness. It has been a long time since i have seen those eyes. "Now go," I pleaded. Before I knew it Ren kisses me. That tender, sweet kiss that you want when you are under the stars staring into his eyes as he caresses your cheek, and plants a kiss on your lips.

I kiss him back and place a hand on his chest, he then broke apart and looked straight at me and said, "Please come back to me." 

He took off after Jason, leaving me and Jake alone for the last time. 

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