Chapter 52

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Matthew's P.O.V

I sensed that something was wrong. Even though I rejected Aiya, the bond will always be there, well at least until she rejects me. I have this weird feeling that Aiya may be in trouble. 

Alex, Alistair come to my office now, I ordered.

They appeared in my office a moment later. "I have this weird feeling that something may have happened to AIya." I told both of them. They looked at each other than at me.

"What do you mean exactly?" Alex asked worriedly. 

"I don't know, but I just feel like Aiya is in danger, Perhaps it's nothing and I'm just freaking out over nothing." 

Alistair was the one who looked a bit worried about what I said, Alex didn't seem all that worried. "Perhaps it is nothing. Look things have been really crazy these past couple of days, but that's probably it."

"You're not for sure though, what if Aiya is in danger?" questioned Alistair. 

"For now just let it be then tomorrow if you still feel that way we'll go to the pack house tomorrow and check it out, okay?" Alex suggested. I wasn't to fond of the idea, but it seems like the right thing to do, since we left on a bad note. 

"Alright, I'll leave it be," I answered back. Alex left, leaving Alistair  behind with me. 

"Please tell me that you are not going to leave this for tomorrow?" he asked. I stood from my chair and looked at him, "Not a chance, I'm not going to stand by and wonder if Aiya is okay or not." 

So that's when Alistair and I decided to go and visit the Forest Hunters pack. As we got there everyone was in a hurry. There were no border patrol to meet us at the border so we just came in. Someone finally spots us and growled. 

"Easy we didn't come to fight, we came to see if my sister was here," Alistair explained. 

The pack member than soften his expression, "You don't know?" Alistair and I looked at each other, then back at him. "Know what?" I asked. Please don't tell me that my hunch was correct, please tell me she is safe, I thought to myself. 

"I shouldn't be telling you this after that hell you put her through, but perhaps it wouldn't hurt if you know. She was abducted after being heavily injured. Jason and Julie were there when it happened, but they were ambushed from behind, and were down before they knew what happened," he explained. 

As I heard that my heart sank. 

No please, not her. I heard Alistair getting upset, "Where is Jason now?" I asked. 

The guy shrugged his shoulders and then pointed to the pack house. I needed to know what exactly happened. Jason was the only one who could tell me what I needed to know. 

Jason's P.O.V

I stared at the helpless Ren standing in the cell, "Carmen was the most beautiful girl i have ever met." I was confused, does Ren have a mate? I asked myself.

"She was kind, loyal, gentle, supportive, funny, and incredibly honest. When I turned 16, I was excited to meet my mate, and there she was. In the middle of the hallway, my mate stood holding a book in one hand and a coffee in the other." 

I noticed that talking about her was hard for him. I saw tears running down his face, "What happened to her?" 

He didn't answer right away, but he turned to face the small window, "I made her wait a year and a half to propose. She was giving hints that she was ready and I knew what it meant. I wanted the time to be right." 


"As I was getting ready to propose to her,  another guy appears and she then tells me she was leaving me." 

Did not see that one coming.

"I begged her not to do it, I asked her what was it that made her not want to be with me. She then tells me, 'Do you really think that I was going to marry you? I hate to burst your bubble, but you were never really good enough for me.' and then she left," Ren explained. 

Never have I thought that anybody can survive that especially if it's their mate. 

"Then what happened?" I asked. 

He turned and faced me, his look gave this depressed feeling to the whole room. " I thought watching her walking away with another man would have been the death of me, but I fell straight to hell as I felt her die in the arms of the man that she chose over me." 

I suddenly felt a chill go done my spine as I imagined Julie doing the same to me. 

"6 months later, I met Aiya. She was nothing like Carmen was. She was stubborn, fierce, independent, loyal, and such a boaster. We would always butt heads with every single thing. Seth would always yell at us."  

I chuckled remembering those moments. My parents were the betas at the time, and were mysteriously killed. 

"Eventually with time, I fell in love. I don't know how, but the moon god gave me another chance at happiness with Aiya. She was the one who taught me to let go of the past and move forward.I guess is what happened in her past that the moon god thought that we can help each other move on." 

It finally hit me just how much Ren loves Alison. He walked to the wall and slid to the ground. "I can't lose her, I don't think I would survive it a second time." 

I stood there in deep thought. Perhaps Ren can help us find Alison. We need all the help we can get. I grabbed the gloves used to touch the bars and the keys. I unlocked the door and stepped in. Ren looked a bit confused, "If you really don't want to lose her than get out of this cell and help me find her." 

He didn't hesitate in getting up and walking out. He was determine to not let Alison go.

We will get our alpha and whoever took her will pay dearly. 

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