Chapter 25

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Jason's P.O.V

I placed him in the cells and he began to wake up. He groaned in pain from the hit that Alison gave him. "Where am I?" Alex asked. I rolled my eyes and headed to the door.

"Hey you where am I?" He seems like he was about to go into panic mode.

I sighed,"You're in the cells, in case you couldn't figure that out."

"I know I am. Im not blind you idiot, but where?!" He exclaimed.

"See all that attitude is what got you here in the first place."

He was beginning to lose his patience. "WHERE THE HELL AM I? I DEMAND FOR YOU TO TELL ME!"

"First of all, in case you have forgotten I am also a beta,your power doesn't affect me. Secondly, you can't demand anything at this point, this is Forest Hunters territory." I wasn't going to let some idiotic fool demand me, unless its Alison, then I can bossed around.

"What am I doing here? Let me go!" Alex was in all honesty getting really annoying. I can see why Alison left six years ago.

"You are here under the orders of the alpha if you have a problem then take it up with her." As I told him that I turned and left back upstairs.

I closed the door and went looking for Alison. She must be in her office by now. I went upstairs to check. I knocked on the door before I entered. When I opened the door all i felt was a gust of air. "Alison?" I didn't see any sign that Alison returned. I walked out of the office and went to look for Alison. I went down to the living room. "Hey has anyone seen Alison?" I asked around. No one has seen her.

Alison can you hear me? I asked through mindlink.

No response.

I saw Conner coming in through the back door. "Hey Conner, have you seen Alison."

"Last time I saw her was when we brought that wolf into the cells," he replied. Now I was worried. I ran outside and headed to where Alison had that confrontation. I shifted to my wolf and sniffed the air. Alison was definitely still out here. As I got closer I sensed something was wrong. When I made it to the opening I saw Alison on the ground.

I shifted to my human form and checked on Alison.

"Alison, can you hear me? Wake up." Her breathing was off. I mindlink Jeffery, SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH ALISON GET THE PACK DOCTOR AND THE INFIRMARY READY NOW!

On it, he replied.

I picked up Alison and ran as fast as i can with her in my arms. Please Alison don't die.

I saw the pack house and the doctor waiting in front.

"Ellie, she's breathing fast and she is burning up." I said. I hurried inside and headed to the infirmary. Ellie told me to place Alison on the bed.

"What's wrong with her?" I was beginning to get worried. Her veins were becoming come visible, like tiny purple worms.

"She must have silver in her system. I have to treat it before it does any more damage." She stated running back and forth as if someone was chasing her. Then just as her veins appeared they vanished.

"Ellie, her veins," I uttered.

She turned around, and looked down at Alison. She was as confused as I was. "What the hell?" she whispered. Suddenly Alison's breathing became steady. What the hell just happened? "With the amount of silver that she was injected in her she should have at least suffered from it, be in a coma or worse dead. I cant believe she is only unconscious." Ellie was right about that.

Once we got her settled, Ellie hooked Alison to an IV. She said that Alison should be fine, but still doesn't know anything about how Alison was not damaged by the silver she was injected with. I was also confused about that. We cant do anything about that right now until she wakes up.

Once Ellie left i stayed with Alison. I wasn't going to leave her like this. I guess i somehow felt like it was my fault that she was like this. I should have stayed with her. I was beginning to get agitated. If only i stayed with with her, i tod myself.

As I thought about what happened I realized that Alison didn't tell Matthew nor her brothers the truth. Was she going to, or better yet is she going to tell them? As i sat there wondering, i began to fall asleep.

My eyes started closing and eventually i fell asleep.

Alex's P.O.V

I was stuck here in a cell like im some kind of criminal. Who the hell does that chick think he is? Perhaps this maybe a chance to get Aiya to speak to me. She probably doesn't know im here.

I tried breaking down the cell but its completely made of silver. And there is no other way to get out of here. How the hell isn't Matthew here helping me trying to escape or let m out? I couldn't do much except I guess wait until the alpha has the guts to come own here.

I took a deep breath and lay on what seemed like a bed. It had a warm blanket and a pillow. I closed my eyes and just hope that i get out of here as soon as I can.

"Don't worry Aiya I'll get you out of here and take you back home where you belong, " i whispered to myself, and as i fell asleep.

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