Chapter 36

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Alison's P.O.V

I turned my head to face Jason, "You had no right to do this to me, Jason," I spat out with disappointment. 

Jason opened his mouth to speak, buy once again was cut off by me,"I don't want to hear it, Jason" I exclaimed. 

I look to my brothers and Mathew and saw that they were looking at me in awe. I turned my body so that I was completely facing them.  

Matthew was the one who spoke, "Aiya, why didn't you tell us who you were? Didn't you think that we deserve-" I scoffed as Matt was trying to play the victim, "Deserve? No you don't deserve a damn thing from me. It's not responsibility to tell you anything about me."

Jason cleared his throat and said, "I'll leave you alone to speak to your brothers in private," He was already about to leave when  I answered, "No, you should have thought of that before you butted in to something that was not of your concern to begin with." I looked at him as if i was about to tear him to pieces. 

"You are going to sit down and listen to everything because whatever happens here its because of what you caused." I never broke eye contact with my brothers, and Matt. 

"Alison, its not my place to sit-"

"No it isn't, but that didn't stop you from lecturing me about the situation between MY personal decision about my brothers and how i handled it. Calling me a hypocrite when you have been one since this situation began, now i am not asking you to sit down, I am ORDERING you to," I stated.

Jason did as he was told and sat down on the couch where i was being treated for my wound. 

Alex took step closer and said, "What happened to you Aiya? You've changed, what happened to the shy, innocent, and sensitive you? What happened to our sister?" His tone seemed so fragile that made it seem like he is going to cry. 

"He's right Aiya, what happened to you? We are family after all why wouldn't you want to speak with us?" Alistair interjected. 

I laughed, "Oh please don't act as if you know anything of what happened to me these past 6 years. You don't know what I've changed let alone how much. You call yourself family? What family? You never learned the truth did you?" I looked t Alex and Alistair. 

Matthew then stepped up and intervened, "What are you talking about?"

I crossed my arms.

"The truth about what really happened that day. The truth about what happened before our parents died." They stayed quiet and listened. I walked to my  desk and opened the first drawer; I took out what was inside and at the edge of the drawer was a button. I pushed it and a secret compartment opened. I grabbed a picture that was burned from the edges and slightly burned on the back. 

I walked over back to my brothers and handed over the picture. They both looked at what i handed over; once they did their expressions were completely different. 

"W-Where did you get this?" Alex choked out.

"We thought we lost it when the house burned down," Alistair added while still looking at the picture. 

"It was, until you two manged to save it," I replied. 

They had this confused look on their faces, as they are wondering what I was talking about. 

"It is true that mom and dad got there in time to save me, but i wouldn't have been in there if the both of you didn't go in there to grab that photo," i explained as i pointed to the photo in their hands. 

"When mom and dad went to go help the pack, they told us to go to the house and wait for either of them their. As we ran towards the house, we saw smoke from the distance and when we got there the house was on fire. Both of you ran inside because you wanted to get that picture. I told both of you to stay put, but you guys didn't listen. 

You disappeared into the house and i stayed outside. Just a few moments later and I heard a scream coming from the house. I yelled out your names and ran inside the house without thinking. I was being surrounded by smoke and my vision was beginning to cloud I searched for you, but couldn't find you guys." 

They were both unaware that any of this happened. I continued on, "I climbed up the stairs and saw Alex on the ground by the door and Alistair by in the room with the picture in your hand. Something had fallen on top of Alistair, so i went to go push it off; it took a while but i managed to set you free. I grabbed Alex by his shirt and dragged you both down the stairs so i can get you both outside. 

As all of this was happening, I was growing weaker and my vision was getting worse. I was wished so hard that my parents would come and rescue us. I finally had reached the bottom of the stairs, when i began to cough and cough; it was getting really hard to breath. I pulled and pulled trying to reach for the door, i let go of Alistair and pulled Alex to the door to have his head sticking out so he can breathe. 

I went back to get Alistair and dragged him to the door, but I wasn't going to make it. I heard something about to collapse so I tossed Alistair as far as i could before I was pinned down by a beam from the ceiling." Alex and Alistair were stating to put the pieces together,

Alex said," So it wasn't your fault that you were in there in the first place. "

I didn't say anything about what he said and finished the story, "I yelled out for mom and dad, but no one appeared. I was beginning to lose consciousness when i heard moms voice yelling out our names. I tried my best to look and i saw mom and dad running towards us. Dad came in to help me even though he was injured from an arm already. 

Mom was injured to, but she was able to get the both of you to safety. Dad couldn't move the beam by himself so my mom came and helped.They were able to remove it, but there wasn't enough time escape before the house blew up. My mother tossed me out and in that precise moment the house blew up."

Alex and Alistair were getting upset not at me, but at what actually happened. 

"So the pack was right by what they saw, they did see you getting thrown out of the house, "Matthew interjected. I looked towards him and replied, "From that moment on the entire pack turned their back on me, then soon my brothers; that was all thanks to your good for nothing father. The two of you had no recollection of what happened, so i kept the picture oping one day you would remember."

"But we never remembered," Alex stated. 

"Now that you know what really happened, i would like you to leave my land now," i strutted past them. 

12 years i have been holding this secret with me, now I am free.

6 of those years i held guilt for not telling them what happened, but they never deserved it. Now its up to me to figure out what is the next step. 

What am I to do now that the secret is out?

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