Chapter 51

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Jason's P.O.V

I woke up and noticed that Alison was gone and Julie was down on the ground. "Julie!" I got up and ran to her. I checked to see if she wasn't injured. "Julie!" I tried waking her up anyway I thought of. I heard a light groan and she began opening her eyes. 

"Easy there, you're fine," I then realized that something was terribly wrong. I looked around and noticed that  she was gone. I get up and looked around for anything. "Where is she? What happened?" Julie helped look for anything. 

We ran all the way outside checking to see if we smell anything. The rest of the pack seemed alarmed due to our behavior. "Dammit, I can't get her scent,"I yelled in anger. 

Julie spoke to the rest of the pack, since I wasn't in the right place. The pack immediately got to work. Everyone began to do their best to try and find Alison. I ran into the forest and smelled around searching for a trace of her. 

I shifted to my wolf and continued the search. I used the mind link and there is nothing. The sun began to set and I still didn't find anything. I ran back to the pack house hoping someone found something. Everyone was either still searching or coming up with a way of finding her. 

Julie was on the front steps waiting for me. "Anything?" she asked, but i just ignored her. i knew she followed me because of her scent. I opened the door to Alison's office, and check to see if anything was out of the ordinary. 

"Jason, we'll find her. If you're not careful you can get into serious trouble." 

My mind was on Alison. How can I let this happen? 


"WHAT!!!!!" I yelled. Julie stood there with her hands in fists, "You need to relax, you won't be able to find her if you are not in your right mind right now."  I felt my blood begin to boil. Who could have done this? 

I pushed everything  of the desk making a huge mess on the floor. Someone or something must have gotten through somehow. 

"Jason, this isn't your fault. We were both ambushed, you couldn't have known that something like this would happen," she tried reassure me.  I looked at her and she had tears coming down her cheeks. 

"I'm sorry, I can't just sit by and do nothing. I already made her life even more complicated, and it was because of me that she was injured in the first place," I covered my face with my hands. This was my fault. 

"Jason, look at me," Julie said firmly. She lifted my chin so I was looking at her, "Whatever happened is in the past, we can't worry about that right now. We have to find Alison, her wounds aren't completely healed. We aren't sure if the potion was an affect at all."

I had forgotten about that, this just made it even more imperative that we find Alison. 

There was a knock at the door, which gave us a jump, "Come in," I said.  One of our top fighters Rob came in and looked around. "Jason, I know you are not the beta anymore and we are searching for Alison, but there is no one in command. 

I was confused how can there be no one in charge? "Where's Conner?" I asked. 

"No clue he just vanished no has seen him since yesterday," he replied. That's odd. 

"Try contacting him, in the mean time I'm in charge. I may not be the beta of this pack anymore, but I'm still a beta by birth, so what's the problem?" 

"There is a prisoner here, that asked to see the alpha."

"Where did the prisoner come from?" I asked.

"He just turned himself in, said that he needs to be punished for what he did," Rob explained.  At first  I thought, what kind of idiot would have a cray idea like that? It then hit me, "Dammit, has he has lost his freaking mind?" I charged out of the office and went down the stairs and went towards the cells. 

I walked down the stairs and sure enough there he was standing there looking out from the small window that was blocked off by silver bars and too small to crawl out. 

"What in the hell were you thinking turning yourself in?" I asked with an agitated tone. 

Ren turned around, and crossed his arms, "Does it matter?"

"Yes it does. While you are in here trying to show how sorry you are to Alison, someone out there-" i stopped before I said anything else. Ren then sensed that something was wrong. "What's going on Jason? What aren't you telling me?"

Jason was feeling the rush of emotions from earlier, "I'm sorry," was all I could say. Ren walked closer toward the cell door. "Where is she? Where is Alison?" he asked with more of a firm tone.  Once again I stayed silent, and I felt Ren getting more agitated. "Tell me what the hell happened!" he exclaimed. 

"We had just gotten back, and she was badly injured. I took her straight to the infirmary where Julie can take care of her. The wounds were laced with something, that none of our medicines were working. We managed to give her something that would help, but then," I stopped. I took a deep breath.


"Julie and I were talking when, I was hit from behind and knocked out so was Julie. Then it was all blank after that. When we came to, she was already gone and no where to be found." I've searched, but there is nothing, no scent, no trace of her or the person who took her."

Ren was looking furious and he grabbed a hold of the bars and burned himself the cell bars are made of silver. "Ren stop! you are going to burn yourself bad if you don't stop now!" I warned him. He moved away and yell in pain, but not because of his hands, but because of the pain of his heart.

 I looked at him and the Ren that I have known for years was not the same one standing in that cell. 

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