Chapter 30

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Alison's P.O.V

As i walked outside where the rest of my pack was waiting i saw people coming out of the pack house.

They just pissed me off. Dont they know its rude to speak when another person is trying to speak.

Jason was standing there along with Conner.

"How did it go?" Jason asked.

"Not good. They never let me finish, they kept asking questions. God they get on my nerve."

Jason laughs. "What's so funny?" I retorted.

"Well they are your brothers, you are the same as they are," he explained.

Oh god.

"Alright that's enough Jason just make sure the pack doesn't do anything stupid."

He nodded in response.

After 15 minutes everyone was here and ready for training.

"Alright listen up. I want everyone to get with a partner, someone that you haven't partnered with the first time." 

They did as i said and everyone had a partner well except me of course. 

I looked at my brothers and saw that they were standing there. 

"Alex and Alistair same goes for you to and Matthew i guess you can partner with me." My god, what does it take for these people to actually listen. 

I gave instructions to practice their defenses. Now that everyone was working it was time to help Matt. Ugh.

I stood there and he was watching me, "Alright, you need practice your defenses, so ill be attacking you," i said.

He laughed, "How about let's not waste time and help you out first."

I smirked.

"Very well then, as you wish," we then stood face to face.

I stood there with my hands on my side. He then asked, "are you ready?"
I simply gave a nod. He charged at me and i side step avoiding his attack.

He tried to charge at me again and failed again. He tried throwing a few punches but i blocked every single one. As he tried to punch me i grabbed his arm and flipped him.

He got back up and tried to kick me i duck beneath and elbowed his knee and kicked the leg he was balancing on. He fell hard and once again he got back up.

"Getting angry in the middle of a fight will get you killed." I said as i blocked his hit from above and below i round house kicked him and he stumbled back.

As he was about to punch me i stopped his fist i punched him in the gut and flipped him. As he landed on his back. I stepped on an arm and held the other. I lowered myself and said, "Looks to me like you are angry about something. Anger is good channel it use it, if not you are going to get yourself to killed."

I got up and backed up. I just noticed everyone watching us.

"Every one switch. Now the person who was defending now is going to be the attacker!"

Everyone did as they were told.

As Matthew got up he looked at me. "Now i guess ill show you how to defend and attack," I retorted.

"I don't know why im here i don't need you for anything," he said.

I sighed and just said, "Look here Mr. Prissy Pants, im sick and tired of listening how you are so strong and mighty when you cant even land a lousy punch. Now i am here to help you because YOU asked for it. But if you cant handle getting your ass handed to you by a girl then your entire pack is doomed. You cant stand here and say you dont need training if all you do is fucken bitch to me how i am not trust worthy all because i kept something from you about someone from MY pack."

His face remained blank.

"This is why she left, this is why she will never come back. Now i suggest you stop this nonsense and help your pack actually accomplish something. If they dont see you doing something, what makes you think they are going to survive anything? What would they think of an Alpha, who cant even train for one lousy day? They will see you as weak and pathetic just the way you were all those years ago. Now, what im going to do is continue training your pack if you want to join us so be it, if not then stay the hell out of my way."

I had turned around and saw everyone looking at us. "What the hell are you all looking at get back to training." Everyone got right back to whatever they were doing. I walked around making sure everyone was doing what they were suppose to do so. 

I helped out people in Matthew's pack with they way they are supposed to block. There was the member who i didn't recognize. Must have been a new member.

"What's your name?" I asked. He looked around 17 or 18 years old.

"Tanor," he sound as if i was going to piss his pants. "Ok, Tanor, look you are quick, flexible use that to beat your opponent. Check this out." I stood in front of Scott who was a member of my pack.

"Scott attack me."

He nodded and he charged. As he got closer i lowered myself and punched him right in the stomach, i then grabbed his arm and flipped him. I held on to his arm, i placed my foot on his throat. I didn't put too much pressure i just put enough to where he couldn't move.

"Now you try," i said. Scott back up and faced Tanor.

"As you see him attack, wait until he is close enough lower yourself, punch him here," i Then point to his abdominal region. There is a pressure point  that paralyzes your opponents for a moment. "Once you punched him grab him just below the wrist and then you flip him: hold on to his arm, and  put your foot right below his chin and you put just a bit of pressure that way he cant move." 

Tanor nodded. 

"alright lets take this slowly, do it step by step first." They both got into fighting stance. 

Scott took a step did exactly what he was suppose to do. Tanor followed my instructions . He ducked, went for the point, grabbed him by the wrist and flipped him held on to him and put his foot where i told him to. He was so proud. I pat him on the back.

"See you can do it. Your strength doesnt come from brute strength the real strength is in here," i pointed to his heart. "Dont ever forget that."

He smiled and nodded. I left them so they can continue on. When i turned around i saw that Matthew was looking at me. I stared back before i continued with my business. I have a feeling that he knows more then he is letting on. 

I hope its no what i think it is.

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