Chapter 38

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Jason's P.O.V

We all saw her storm off into the forest not giving a second glance back. The packs were standing around and looking not only at Alex ans Alistair, but at me as well. Some looked at me as if i had did something horrific. I ran my fingers through my hair, and sighed.

I was about to turn around and go back inside the house when Ellie exit the house and walked over to me, her expression blank.

Before i can say anything, I feel a fist connecting with my face. When I finally registered what happened, Ellie had punched me across the face, and may I say it hurts.

"Ellie what the-" I felt her fist punch me again in the face.

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU GO AND DO THAT TO HER?" she yelled. I watched her as she was close to hitting me again.

"What are you talking about Ellie?"

"Do not play the idiot here, you know exactly what I mean. How can you do that to Alison?" She was having me back up heading away from the pack house.

"I didn't do anything, Alison was the one who began all of this in the first place. She should have told her brothers the truth. All of this could have been avoided if-"

Once again I felt a punch to my face.

"You are such an ass, Jason. What gave you the right to pry in Alison's personal life? What she does about her brothers is her business. You are acting no better then these idiots thinking they can come and just take Alison away from us," Ellie was becoming more furious now.

"Watch it Ellie don't forget that I am superior to you, I am still the beta," using my firm tone.

"AND SHE IS YOUR ALPHA!" She pointed to in the direction where Alison had disappeared to.

I was stunned by what she said. I just stood there as Ellie continued to yell at me.

Ellie looked at me as if she was ready to attack me,"She is your superior and look at the damage you caused her. You were being insubordinate in front her pack and the pack that caused her the suffering in the first place. Betas are supposed to be a support, a helping hand to the alpha. From what I see, you're not much of a beta, and you will be lucky if Alison even decides to keep you as a member of this pack."

With that being said she walked back into the pack house leaving me staring into the forest.

I clenched my fists and went inside the pack house as well. I went to my room and shut the door. I kept pacing thinking about everything that happened.

Alison was the one who started this not me. She should have said something. I kept thinking, but the more I thought about it the more I began to realize something.

She hasn't told anyone about being the Alpha of another pack.

I ran my finger through my hair and sighed. I decided to take a shower and sleep. Before I began to undress there was pounding at the door.

"JASON!" someone shouted.

I opened the door to see what was going on.

"What's up?"

"There some pack here, claiming that his Alpha lives here."

What the? I went downstairs and outside where we had our little scene earlier.

I see a man standing there, tall and well fit, for his age.

"What are you doing here? This territory belongs to the Forest Hunters Pack, and you are trespassing."

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