Final Chapter

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Alison's P.O.V.

"Can you stand?" Conner asked as he helped me to my feet. I couldn't respond, so I just nodded my head. My legs were wobbling, and my body was shaking. I may have over done it; pushing my body like that. 

He places my arm around his shoulders and we began to walk to the pack house. It was an awkward silence between us. I was hoping none of spoke until we reached th epack house, but I was too hopeful, "Alison, I know-"

"Stop right there," I interrupted. I stopped and removed my arm from his shoulder. "You don't know the half of it. You have no right to say that you are sorry, no right to tell me that you know what hell you put my pack through, what hell you put me through. Let's just get to the pack house, in silence." 

He didn't argue, or responded; he just grabbed my arm again and we continued on. 

It took about 20 minutes, until I saw a wolf approaching us, knowing very well who it was I continued to walk. 

"Alison, thank the moon god your're safe," Jason wasn't alone he was with 2 other wolves from the pack. I gave a weak smile and a small laugh, "Do you really think that I wouldn't come back?" 

"Yes I did," he said honeslty. 

"Me too." I replied.

His eyes are now on Conner, and his face goes from soft and caring to, hard and cold eyed. "What the hell are you doing here? Where's Jake?" I could feel Conner's body tense up. "He's dead, Jack killed him." 

I saw a slight hint of sadness in Jason's eyes, but it went back to how it was, "Ethan, Roger, take Conner and place him in the cells." They shifted to their human form and did as they were told. I stood beside Jason.  Conner began to resist and looked at Jason, "You can't do this you're not the beta of the pack anymore."

I looked at Ethan and Roger, "Take him away." Conner resisted, but stopped knowng very well that it was useless. Jason picked me up adn carried me the rest of the way. I was now able to see the pack house, I'm home. 

I was feeling dizzy so Jason rushed me inside, to the den since I knew wasn't going to last up the stairs. My pack began crowding inside the den, as Jason went to fetch Julie. 

"Make way, make way!" Jaosn shouted. 

Julie came to me with supplies in her hand. "Alison, you're alive," her voice was shaky. 

"Yea, I am. But for now I needyou to patch me up," I pleaded. Julie went straight to the suplies to find scissors. I was badly beaten and cut up so my clothes are all torn apart. "Due to the extent of your injuries, I'm going to nee you to remove your shirt." 

"Karen, bring my an undershirt please," I order. She didn't have to reply to know that she went to go retrieve what I asked for. 

"Um, Alison?" I looked at Julie and she was looking around. My entire was surrounding us and she as trying to tell me that if she does remove my shirt then all of my scars would show. 

"Nevermind that, they were bound to see eventually," I managed to say as I tried my best to remove my now ruined shirt. Julie helped me remove it and now I was just in my sports bra. Which is rare for them to see me in. 

I knew everyone was looking at me and my scars. "Okay the first one I need to take a look at is the one on your side," Julie stated. I laid on the opposite side and moved my arm. Julie didn't waste any time and got to work. I told her that i didn't want any anethetics. It took her a while to finish. She then got to work on my shoulder, then my abdnomen. 

The last one was The one on my shoulder blade. 

I sat up with my back against the door. Julie finished cleaing up the wound and began stitching it. When she was about to be finished, the whispers died. "Alison, I brought the traitor," Jason said in a monotone voice. 

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