Chapter 28

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Alison's P.O.V

"No we have to stay here, we can't go in there!" I yelled after my brothers, but they didn't listen. I see my ten year old self running into the burning house. I tried yelling out, but no words formed. I just saw how I ran into the burning house. I then saw my parents injured coming towards the house. "Where are the childern?" my dad looked around. He was covered in blood and he was injured.

"AIYA! ALEX! ALISTAIR!" my mom yelled.

I went to them, and reached my hand out ot them. Then suddenly you here a crashing noise coming from the house. They both turned and their eyes opened wide with horror, "you think they're-"my mother wasted no time as she ran to the house. There she saw her two boys near the door and her daughter under a big piece of lumber.

My mother grabbed my brothers and took them outside while my father being injured enough, trying to get me out. I stand there not being able to do anything. I look at my dad and how he is trying to rescue his little girl. My mother come running.

"I can't lift it alone," my dad said. My mother looked really weak and beaten. "Even if we are able to free Aiya, we wont be able to escape," my mother explained. I walk to the other side so that i can see my mothers face.

My father looked at her and replied,"Even if we don't make it our children will be safe, alive, and i will have died with the one i love." I saw tears streaming down my dads cheek.

My mother smiled, and together they began lifting the lumber.

"Mom, no you cant leave me again! Mom! Dad! " I yelled, but nothing seemed to work.

My mother managed to get me out. As she picked me up, she whispered,"No matter what happens protect your brothers, stand by them in good and the bad. They will need your guidance. Goodbye my little one, remember we love you."

At that precise moment, she tossed me out just before the entire house collapsed.

I wake up sweating, and breathing heavily. I look around and see that im in my bedroom. I check the time and it 5:10 am. I got out of bed and went to my bean bag chair and sat down. I grabbed my bag that was next to it and grabbed my journal. I took out the picture of my family, when we took our first family vacation to the Himalayas.

I felt tears streaming down my face.
We were all happy. I ran my fingers over my mom and dad, "Why did you leave me? Why couldn't you have stayed with me? I miss you so much." I held on to the picture.

I heard a knock on my door. Who would be up at this time?

I wiped away my tears and I went to open it; Jason was there.

"Jason is everything okay?"

"Um i was going to ask you the same thing i heard crying coming from in here," he replied.

"Yea I'm fine i was just watching something on the phone," i knew he wasn't going to believe me.

"Are you sure?" He looked at me as if he was questioning whether to continue on or leave it be.

I simply nodded.

"What are you doing up?" I asked him.

He looked down at the ground," I couldn't sleep at all, i just felt as if i needed to be on high alert." I wonder why. "Well since you're up go get ready and meet me at down at the cells."

"Yes, alpha," was all he said before walking back to his room.

I closed the door and went to change.

I grabbed a gray long sleeve shirt and my favorite pair of jeans. I put my velvet color converse and brushed my hair. My one of my eyes began to bug me. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

It was my contact.

Yea i wear eyes contacts not because i need them but because of my unique eye colors.

I took off my contacts and when i looked at my reflection, my eyes were different eye color. One green and one sky blue. I wear blue eyes contacts.

I splashed water in my eyes and put the contacts back on. I grabbed my ipod, phone and headed down stairs. When i looked up at the time, it was five minutes to six.

I went to the living room and walked to towards the door to the cells. I opened it and heard yelling.

I walked down and heard the voices getting louder.

"Tell her i said she can-"

"She can what?" I interrupted, Jason and Alex looked towards the stairs as i reached the bottom of the stairs.

"I was just telling your beta here," i lifted my hand as a sign for him to shut it.

"Look you are in no position right now to tell anyone anything, so lets get straight to the point. The fact im even coming to you is surprisingly enough so listen up."

Alex seemed very intrigued that i admitted something to him.

"There is a man named Ren Soto. He was a part of this pack before my dad banished him."

"My uncle was your dad? Doesn't that make us cousins?"

Is he for real?

"How daft can you be? Dont worry about that. Ren was banished for trying to take control over the pack by force. This involves both of our packs."

I took a deep breath before i told him the next part, "He killed Derek, thinking that he was Alpha of this pack. Although your brother and yourself are not Alphas, you do hold some power over your own pack since two are betas."

I let him sink it in.

"Aiya must be devastated. Her Derek were the best of friends. When she wasn't allowed to come with my brother, Matt and I, she was always with Derek," i can feel the sympathy he had.

I wanted to cry but i couldn't not right now, "She is fine. She is stronger than you give her credit for. Anyways, she too is also in trouble. Most likely."

That got Alex riled up. "What do you mean most likely. What can this Ren have Aiya?" I looked at him and replied, "They were together for a while until she ended it. But the fact remains is that he might not go after her yet, I just want to know if it comes down to it, Will you come to your sister's aid? She may not want to admit, she will need her family there."

Alex was starstrucked. He didn't know what to say. But what he said shocked her even more, "perhaps I need to speak to my brother and Matthew before making any compromises. Besides why wont she come and ask me herself?"

Is this asshole really saying this shit? So protecting his sister or coming to her aid is just some kind of compromise to him. This fucker. See what i get for trying.

"You know what never mind forget I asked. Jason release him and escort him to the border, i dont want anymore surprises and if he tries anything kill him."

I turned around and walked back upstairs. This jerk, i ought to punch him.

It was 6:30 a.m so i decided to make some breakfast before we all had to back and train.

Perhaps this time wont be as bad as the last time.

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