Chapter 44

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Jason's P.O.V

We were getting close to the pack house and I mind linked Alison. We have some company so I need you to call back patrol, I said.

Fine, she replied. We had reached the edge of the forest and stood at the front of the pack house.

Ana gets off Nathan and walks beside him.  

 Alison comes out wearing a purple long sleeve shirt with black skinny jeans and some purple converse. As she walked down the steps we walked to meet her in the middle of the yard. I gave a bow and shifted back, along with Nathan. 

Nathan was wearing a tux and he seemed a bit intimidating. 

"Alison this is Nathan, Nathan this is Alison the alpha of this pack," I said. Ana seemed a bit surprised, but not too much.  

Nathan out stretched his hand and said, "Pleasure to meet you Alison. Sorry for the intrusion. Me and my companion were lost, Jason helped us out. We would like to ask for some supplies and then we will be on our way." 

Alison kept a neutral expression and looked at me, Jason what have you gotten yourself into? she asked through mind link. I shrugged and looked at Nathan. Alison looked at Ana and then back at Nathan. 

"And what is your name?" she looked at Ana.

"Name's Ana, pleasure," she said as she stretched her hand to shake Alison's hand. Alison shook her hand in return. 

"Jason get some clothes for Nathan and Ana follow me," Alison didn't waste anytime as she entered the house. I nodded and walked into the house heading up to my room. Once we reached there I allowed Nathan to go in first. 

I walked over to my closet and picked out a grey long sleeve, black jeans, and an extra pair of grey vans I had. "Here these should fit you. You can change in the bathroom," I handed him the clothes and shoes. "Thanks," was all he said as he disappeared to the bathroom. 

"So how did you get here exactly?" I asked as I changed into a Blue button up shirt, with blue light blue jeans and my blue vans. 

"Nothing much to say honestly. Ana ran into a trap that literally blew us away," he replied as he stepped out of the bathroom fully changed. He had wet his hair and rolled up the sleeves up to his elbow. "Where do come from?" 

"A world called Vendora. I reside in a country called Axin. A country of wolves," he said. 

I seemed a bit confused, but I remember what Alison told me long ago. A place where magic exists everywhere. A place where each species has it's own kingdom. Where the land is ruled by kings. 

Could the world that Alison told me about really exist?

"Nathan, what are you besides being an alpha? What are you really?" 

He gave a smirk and replied with, "Let's just say that I am an alpha with great power." That seemed like enough info for me. So I led him downstairs to where the pack is hanging out and having fun. We walked into the game room and the laughter and talk died down. Well this isn't awkward at all, I said to myself.

"Is it jut me or the atmosphere go from a-z real fast?" He asked

"Yea, well some stuff went down and I guess they really haven't gotten over it yet."

"Do I want to know what it is?" he asked.

I looked around and decided to tell him anyways. I led him to the backyard where there is a lot of space and privacy. 

"2 days ago, I found out that my alpha was not only the alpha of this pack, but also of another pack. The Mountain pack, the strongest pack in the world. When she told me I sort of  went a bit over board," I said as we sat down on a bench near the place where we do bonfires at.

"Sounds rough I understand, secrets are deadly," he responded. 

I gave a small nod. "They are. Alison  held on to a secret for 6 years, and that was what sparked the argument. I told her she wasn't a good alpha and called her a hypocrite." 

Nathan seemed like he understood, so he replied, "Is not that you were wrong, its the way you went about it that was wrong." I looked at Nathan and from what I can tell he seems to know what he is talking about. 

"Perhaps I was. I guess it was my own fault that I was stripped of my beta title." I looked at my hands, how did I ever get the stupidity to hurt her like that? Alison was ,my friend, my alpha and I betrayed her. 

I hope she can forgive me for what I did.

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