Chapter 27

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Matthew's P.O.V

We turned back around and headed of back to our pack, Alistair was really pissed. We finally made it to the pack house and Alistair went home. I stayed in my wolf form and decided to go to my special place. It was a pond not far from here. I ran there and chose to go swimming. I shifted back to my human form and took off my clothes, i just left my boxers on.

As i hit the water i felt calmness wash over me. I came back up for air and just let myself float. i looked up and saw the sky. It was nice, relaxing. I sighed heavyly. 


She was right under my nose this whole time. I should have known, why didnt i realize it before. 

My mate.

My little Aiya.

I can almost feel her in my arms. 

6 years. 6 long years. It took this long for me to realize that i need her with me, and that she is my mate. I hated myself for treating her the way i did. If only i can talk to her again. 

Suddenly i sensed someone nearby. I looked around, but didnt see anyone. I listened closely and carefully. Then i heard footsteps. "Whoever's there come out where i can see you," i exclaimed. I then I caught the scent and automatically knew who it was. 

"It hurts that you dont recognize me babe," Megan appeared from behind the tree. 

I rolled my eyes and massaged my head. Right when i was beginning to enjoy my solitude. "What the hell do you want Megan? i have no time for you and your studpidity." Megan walked closer, and closer as she got ot the edge on the pond. I noticed that she was in a bathrobe. 

"Aww baby, is that how you treat your mate, besides you got needs and Im really horny," she said as she dropped her bathrobe. She was completely naked. She jumped right in front of me and came back up. I wasn't going to let her seduce me. She is not my mate and i will never take her as my mate. 

i began to swim towards the edge, but she grabbed my arm and turned me around. "let me go Megan, like i told you before, Im not up for your stupidity, or games." I was about to turn back around and leave, but Megan grabbed my face and began to kiss me. 

I pushed her back and wiped her filthy kiss from my mouth. "WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST SAY MEGAN. GET THE HINT. I DONT WANT YOU. GET IT INTO YOUR TINY LITTLE HEAD. I HAVE A MATE AND I WILL DO ANYTHING FOR HER." I got out and then it took me a moment to realize what i just said.

No one knew i found my mate. 

"WHAT?!' Megan screeched. 


I heard her get out the pond. I slowly turned around. 


"Dont you ever speak about my mate like that, do you understand? You have no right to speak about my mate, your LUNA like that again. You pathetic little bitch. I dont want you to mention this to anyone and if i find out that you told someone i will make you pay," i said in my alpha tone. so she has to obey.

All she did was nod.

I grabbed my clothes and went back to the pack house. I felt as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Must be the fact that someone else finally knows about my mate. It sucks that it was Megan that knows, but it doesn't matter, i know she wont say anything. If she does i will not hesitate to make her pay. 

As i got there i went to my office to grab my laptop and headed to my room. I changed into my pajama pants and climbed into bed. I opened my laptop and went to my pictures. I looked through the pics and saw one when the triplets turned 10. This was two days before the fire. 

I clicked it and saw Alex on the right, then Aiya then Alistair. They were the best of friends. We all were. I clicked the arrow and the next picture showed up. It was the four of us in front of their house. I was right next to Aiya. We all had icecream in the picture.

I smiled. I miss this. When we were kids with not a care in the world. I will get Aiya back. She belongs back here where her family is and where her mate is. 

"Don't worrry Aiya. I will get you back. I will go through anyone who gets in my way, that includes your alpha."

I turned off my laptop and went to bed.

All i can think of was that little girl in the picture. I wonder how she looks like now? I only saw her in her wolf form which was the first time i saw her like that. It really didn't matter what she looked like, she is my mate i will love her no matter what. 

Megan's P.O.V

Who the hell can be my Matt's mate? No one deserves to be Luna but me. I was furious. Believe me when i say i will find out who this bitch is then i will make her wish she was never born.

But first i must do something about that wanna be alpha. I laughed, "How can she be alpha? She probably is a nobody and the real alpha is just using her to do his bidding." I said to myself. When Matthew left me by the pond, I walked back to the pack house and went to my room. 

I was going to think of a plan that was going to help me get what is rightfully mine. 

No one will stand in my way. Not that stupid wannbe alpha and especially that stupid so called mate of Matthew's. 

No one will stand in my way, no one.

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