Chapter 45

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Alison's P.O.V

As Jason went to give clothes for Nathan, I went to my room to get clothes for Ana. Once we made it to my room I let Ana in and closed the door. 

I walked to my closet, and I grabbed a red long sleeve, a pair of blue jeans and a pair of red sandals with a strap behind the heel. I turned back to face Ana and she seemed a bit shocked. "Are you okay? you seem a bit surprised?" I asked.

"Yea fine I guess I was just a little taken aback by your room. It's almost as big as my room back home," she replied. I chuckled at her response. I handed her the clothes and said, "Here, these should fit you. The bathroom is right through there, if you want to clean up before you change. Towels are in the cupboard."

Ana grabbed the clothes with a grateful smile, "Thanks, I really appreciate it." She walked to the bathroom and closed the door. I sat on my bed and sighed.  I ran my fingers through my hair. How did I get myself in this kind of situation? I have tried so hard to avoid getting involved in other people's problems, especially when it has to do with that. I walked over to my balcony and looked around. I saw Nathan and Jason. I used my super hearing and listen on their conversation. 

The door opened and Ana walked out of the bathroom. She walked towards the balcony and stood next to me. There was a breeze that always reminded me of my parents.  "The breeze feels nice," Ana said in a soft voice. I smiled.

"Yea, its nice and relaxing. Every time I come out here I feel like the wind will lift me up and take me to the skies. I will be able to see my parents again," my voice sounded like I was about to break. I inhaled deeply and smelled the forest. 

Ana took a while to respond but when she did, she blew my mind. "I agree, flying through the sky helps me escape all my worries. There's something calming about the air. I'm sorry about your parents. I may not know you all that well, but I am positive that your parents watch over you and are proud of you. My mother use to tell me that we all have someone who watches over us from the stars. An old witches tale, but it's nice to think its true."

"Witches tale or not I like to believe that they can help us in many ways other than just looking down on us. Besides there is no other way to believe that they are not looking upon us," I looked down and saw that Jason and Nathan were gone. 

Alison we are heading to your office are you there?, Jason said through mind link. 

Ill meet you there, I replied. 

I closed the link and faced Ana. "Jason told me that they are heading to my office, let's go meet up with them." She nodded in response and we left my room. We walked to the second floor, since that is where, my office is located. 

Once we got there I knew that Jason and Nathan were in there already. I opened the door and noticed that they were sitting on the couch. Ana closed the door behind her and sat on the chair in front of my desk. 

"Alright, now it's time for you to tell me, what exactly are you looking for?" I sat on my chair looking between Ana and Nathan. 

Ana was the one to answer, "For now there is an item that I need to locate, but in order to do that I need t be outside." Now peeked my interest. 

"What is it exactly is this item you seek?" I asked.

Nathan replied, "Hopefully a stone that will take us home." Ana looked towards Nathan and he just shrugged, "What? You're not the only one allowed to speak." 

"I never said was," she retorted. I couldn't help but chuckle at these two. I like them they have a great sense of humor.

"With that being said, this spell what is it going to do?" I asked as she continued to look at Nathan. 

"It's sort of a location spell. I can find where the stone is and even the exact locations if it isn't too far," Ana explained.  I looked over to Nathan then back at Ana. "Alright let's get this show on the road." I stood up and led them back downstairs to the backyard. 

As we walked outside some of my pack members were there, "Leave us alone. please." They all bowed and complied with my order. Ana whistled and said, "It must be nice to have them respect you that much." I scoffed in reply, "Well when they want something sure, but other times they are like little children." 

She laughed and went straight to work. "She truly is something, right Nathan?" He seemed a bit confused about what I mean, but then replied, "She has her moments, but i will say this, as much of a pain she is, she makes up for it in the work she does." 

I looked back towards Ana said a word that made no sense, as she had her wand was pointed at the ground and she was kneeling. There was a slight tremor that she caused, but it wasnt enough to cause panic. 

Once it was over Ana stood up and walked back our and Nathan asked, "So did you find anything?" Ana tucked her wand away, which shrinks into a necklace. "All I got was a general location. It's behind a waterfall trapped at the entrance to a cave, heading northwest and at the waterfall there was a carving in the shape of a star and a sun."

My eyes grew wide, as she described it.

That is the place where my parents took us to spend some time together. "Seems like you know the place," Ana said. I clenched my fists into a ball. I haven't thought of that place in years. "Yea i know the place," was all that I could say.

"My dad was the one who carved that into the stone."

"Do you think you could take us there?" Ana asked.

I stood there in silence not knowing what to do. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, Jason in particular. "No I can't, but Jason can." There was a silence for a moment until Ana retorted, "Um why not?" I heard someone say, "Ow, I was just curious." Nathan must have gotten her attention.

"My father was the one who carved that into the stone, it was years ago,"all the memories came running back to me and the emotions did as well. "Jason will lead you to the falls, he knows where it's located. He will be your guide." 

Ana nodded in agreement. I told Jason to go get some blankets because it gets cold at night. I stood there just thinking until Nathan pulled me from my thoughts, "Thanks for the help,  I- we really appreciate it." We shook hands in respect towards one another. 

"No problem, Alphas got to stick together," his face was priceless. He seemed so surprised at first, but then he smiled in return. He walked towards some chairs to give Ana and I some privacy. I saw Ana and she began to rub her shoulder. "What do you have there?" I asked, as I walked up to her. 

"Just some bad memories that bring nothing, but regret," she explained. I smirked and lifted my left sleeve up and exposed my scar. "I have some bad memories myself." My scar that I have not shown anyone since I have gotten to this pack. 

She seemed shocked by my scar.  As if it was the worst she has ever seen. Ana pulled her shirt and showed me the scar, that went from the base of her shoulder to the top of her left breast. "What's your story?" she asked, as she covered up her scar and I did the same. 

"My mate and my twins gift on my, well our 16th birthday and you?"

She replied, "My father's departing gift as he died." 

"Wow. Looks like we both have messed up family members." 

She laughed in reply and said, "Yea we have one heck of a family." We both laughed together.

Jason returned with two bags one full of food and another with blankets. Once everything was set Jason, Nathan, and Ana disappeared into the forest leaving me staring after them. Jason please be careful, I said through mind link. He didn't respond, but I knew he had heard me. 

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