Chapter 57

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Alison's P.O.V.

 All Jake was able to do as just lay there. Being my wolf is much bigger than his, I stood in front of him. "You are going to pay dearly for what you have done," I snarled.

The fear in Jake's eyes were just pleasing to me. 

"You wanted to play games didn't you? Well here I am. You wanted someone to toss around like a rag doll, here I am. You wanted to prove yourself dominate didn't you?

I bit his snout hard and dragged him. You can hear him wince at the pain. "Alison please stop this!" Conner pleaded.

I put a paw on Jake's throat, "Do you think that he showed anyone mercy? He had a chance stop what he was doing. Don't you dare try defending him or you will pay too.

I applied more pressure to Jake's throat. He clawed at my feet trying to release my grip on his throat. I suddenly felt a presence. I couldn't help, but sniff the air. I released my grip on Jake and backed up. 

I looked around trying to find where the scent is coming from.

It was a faint scent, but it was there. 

"Sometimes you can't let an emotional, pathetic excuse of a wolf to do anything," the voice was rough and low. I turned my head to where the voice was coming from. 

The wolf was auburn with black spots along his back. I looked at it with just a bit of surprise. You never see a person's true colors until they take a knife and  stab you in the back. 

"Surprise to see me?" the wolf smugged. 

"Why? Was that your plan all along? To try and catch me by surprise?" I answered. He seemed a bit irritated, but he snapped right of it quickly. He began to growl. "You have been such a pain in my ass for past 4 years. I should have killed you when I had the chance," he said.

"Come on now, you can't honestly be tired of this beautiful face,"  I teased. 

"Well after a while it gets a bit old."

"Your one to talk. Come on now. You know better than that; at your age, you can continue to try and defeat an alpha with a powerful bloodline," I stated.  

He didn't seem phased by what I said, but then I noticed a twitch.

I kept my eyes on him and he did the same. His voice startled  me a bit, but I remained expressionless, "Tell me this, how is it that the great Alison Hart can't be affected by our only weakness?" 

"Well I thought you did your homework. It's not like you to leave questions unanswered," I boasted. He snarled in response. His wolf was almost as big as mine. We stood in front of each other. Jake was now standing, in human form, next the wolf that was behind everything. "I had it under control. why did you interfere? You said, I will be the one to kill Alison and use her blood-" He bit down on Jake's head and tossed him against a tree and you were able to hear a snap. 

"Jake!" Conner ran to his brother's lifeless body. I kept my eyes on the person in front of me. I stared at the wolf who was once my pack beta. I may had my suspicions, but I'd hope they were wrong. 

Jack had betrayed me. 

"He's dead," Conner whispered. 

"There was no need to kill him, so why did you?" I asked

"He did what he had to do, there was no reason to keep him around anymore," He side stepped to the left and I mirrored his moves. 

I then began asked the most obvious question, "Why decide to make your move now after all these years?" 

"After your mother left the pack, I was left as interim-alpha you can say, and my how I enjoyed it, even though it wasn't permanent. Your mother was my best friend, when I discovered that she had passed I was devastated for a while, until I realized I would become the new alpha," Jack explained.

I added, "But you can't become the true alpha unless you defeat an alpha whose alpha by blood."

"Exactly, I thought i was in the clear until you showed up 4 years ago," he spat. You can tell by his voice that he did not like it. He didn't know I existed until that day I went to claim what was rightfully mine. 

Jack continued, "At first I was happy that I still had a piece of my best friend back, but then it took me a while to realize..I was envious of her, your mother," I bared my teeth and growled, warning him to be careful with what he was about to say. 

"All I ever wanted was to be alpha, but I didn't have alpha blood. There were times when I wanted to challenge your mother, but I couldn't," his tone was genuine. 

I remained silent as he continued, "The day you fought the pack, I knew I had to defeat you, and then and only then would I be alpha. But as you know that didn't happen. After you defeated me something inside me went off."

It was now all coming together now. 

His voice was now more lethal, as if he could kill with his voice alone, "I vowed that day to make you give up your title as alpha and of course that didn't happen, so I spent the last 2 years looking for a way to defeat you, until I finally did. Just as the moron explained it, I need the blood of a legacy."

I now know what he wanted to do. 

"You want the Moon god to turn back time, to change the results of the fight," I answered. 

"Nice guess, but I'm after the moment it began. I'll make sure you never existed," he spat with all the hatred in his heart. He then lunged forward and snapped at my legs.  I managed to dodge in time. 

I growled and bared my teeth at him. I lunged at him and tried to go for his legs as well. I grazed him as he moves away from me. 

Our wolves then began battling for dominance. we clawed at each other. I managed ti get in a couple of bites on him. Then, I saw an opening to bite his neck, as I twist my body to avoid his jaw I bit down and now my jaw was locked on his neck. I heard him wince and he tried to shake me off. I was holding on as tightly as I can. I was able to taste his blood in my mouth. I finally let go and he was struggling to get back up. 

I had to finish this here and now if I want any chance of getting back to my pack alive. 

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