Chapter 58

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Jason's P.O.V.

Im pacing back and forth, while some members of the pack were looking as worried as I was. I can't belive this, my own family is behind all of this. I should have known something was up, I should have taken better care of my cousin. 

"Jason!" I looked around and I saw Matthew coming towards me. 

"Where is she?" he asked as he was looking around the pack house. I stayed silent as I watched him search frantically. 

"Jason, you shouldn't be here."

"Don't tell me where to be, now tell me where is Alison?" He was bow getting to his raging stage.  "She stayed behind. Alison wanted to finish this on her own," I explained knowing very well that he will start yelling any minute. 

And I was right, "How can you leave her alone? You are suppose to help her get home safe! How could you leave her with a lunatic!," 

"I had no choice!" I yelled back. He was now silent. I didn't want to show that I was weak, I didn't want to break, but I did. "Do you how hard it was to leave her there? How hard it was to leave her there alone with him?" 

He then asked, "Then why did you?" 

"She commanded me to. She used her alpha tone, and I was forced to leave her. Trying to break away, but couldn't. I feel like shit already and having you yelling at me is not helping." 

I wasn't going to tell him that my cousin was behind all of this, behind the suffering of Alison. I paced back and forth just waiting for her to contact me in any way possible. I suddenly felt a slight jolt, like I got a chill or something. I tried really hard to think about it, but all that came to my mind was Alison. 

The more I thought of her, the more I became more agitated. Alison, Im coming for you, I sent through mind link. As I was about to walk out the house, Alison answered, Stay. 

I stopped in my tracks, Alison where are you? I asked. Matthew was next to me wondering what's going on. 

Once again she didn't respond right away. 

I said to stay there, don't you dare come. You gather the pack...and get ready to defend it... you might hav some company soon enough, her thoughts seemed a bit out of. 

And who's going to help you, you need someone there -

Damit Jason, just listen to me for once in your god damn life. You need to be ready for anything, they will be there soon. Since you can't seem to help yourself, I order you to stay put and defent the pack, i dont want anyone to come; that includes Matthew's pack. No one is to come to me, do you understand?, her alpha tone was used. I felt the strength of it even from this distance. 

I struggeled to resist, but can't disobey my alpha, Yes, alpha I understand. And she then disconnected the mindlink. I stared ahead of me.

"Jason, what happened? where is she?" Matthew asked. 

"Everyone listen up!" once I knew everyone was listening, I even spoke through mind link for those who are on patrol. "Code Hell, make sure everyone is accounted for."

Everyone immediately began to move quickly, while Matthew and I stood there. 

"What's Code Hell?" Matthew asked. I walked to Alison's office completely ignoring Matthew who was right on my tail. I opened the door and walked inside. I went to the balcony and looked down. 

"There is a slight chance that the pack maybe under attack," I said it in a low neutral voice. 

"Okay, but that does that have to do with Alison? What's a code hell? and why aren't you going after Alison?" I was beginning to get very annoyed. 

"Shut the hell up." I said. 

He looked at me like I just insulted his dead grandmother. 

"Alison ordered me to stay here to protect the pack, she doesn't want anyone to go after her and that includes your pack you and her brothers," i explained to him as i remained looking outside. 

He began to calm and replied, "What is a Code Hell?"

I looked at him and simply said, "Fight to kill, no one is to be kept alive." He remained speechless as I jumped off the balcony and ran into the forest. Alison, please return alive. 

Alison's P.O.V.

Jack was struggling to get back up. I was beginning to get weaker again. As I was about to charge, Conner steped in and blocked my path. I growled, "What the hell are you doing? Get out of my way." Conner did not move from his spot. 

"I'm sorry Alison. I know you may never forgive me for what I did, but I will not let this murderer get away with killing my brother," his voie sounded genuine. He shifted to hi wolf and charged at Jack. He managed to dodge Conner's attack and now he was up on his feet. 

"You incolent, little brat. YOU have no power against a powerful alpha like me,"Jack barked. 

He has completely lost it now. He honestly thinks that he is an alpha. Conner once again charged, but i knew something was about to happen. I kept my eyes on Conner and Jack, and I saw something behind them. A small glint like a reflection of something. 

I tried to look at it closely which was diffiult in my condition, but i was able to see the end of a dart gun, and immediately I ran to Conner. I pushed him away and I felt a sting hit my hind leg. I winced and I collapsed. 

I shifted back to my human form and pulled the dart out from my leg. Silver. Although I have immunity, it still burned like hell. I screamed from the pain. "ALISON!" Conner came to me and tried to help. He didn't know about my immunity to silver. 

"Looks like you earned yourself a few mintues to live Conner, as for your alpha, I don't think she will be getting up anytime soon," Jack mocked. 

Conner growled, as he is still in his wolf form, she tackled Jack again, I couln't stop my eyes from closing, and the last thing I saw was two wolves fighting each other. 

Wake up, my little one. I groaned. 

Aiya, you need to go back, your pack needs you, both of them, a male voice spoke. 

I slowly opened my eyes and I was in the same spot I was except no Jack, and no Conner. I get up no longer in pain and my strength fully restored. 

I looked around and saw my parents, my uncle and cousin Derek. 

"Am I dreaming?" I asked. "Yes. Do you honestly believe that I would be less handsome if it wasn't," my uncle joked. I couldn't help but laugh. 

"I miss you guys so much, mom I'm sorry i couldn't keep my promise. I tried to protect my brothers, but-"

"Shhhh. sweetheart. You have carried such a burden all these years. You have done the best you can, and I am very, very proud of you," my mother wiped a tear from my cheek. 

"Will you stay with me?" I asked, even though I knew the answer. 

"We will always be with you," my father stood by my mother. 

"Give him hell," Derek added as he smiled along with my uncle.

I woke up in my body and I could feel my strength return a bit. I get up and I looked around to see Conner on the ground breathing heavily and Jack about to give the finishing blow. 

"Stay the hell away from him," I exaclaimed. Jack turned and his eyes went wide. 

This time I won't show mercy. This time, I will make sure to make him suffer. 

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