Chapter 5|Trial

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*3 weeks later*

"Ok guys its game time, we've been preparing ourselves for this." I told Monica and Sam. It was 8:30 and we all met at the office. Trial started at 9:00, we were all waiting on Dominic and Samantha, which is the witness.

We were going to all go together in the Black Suburban that the company bought for me. Dominic and I haven't talked since that day in my office. He parked his car and got in the truck with us.

"Hey everybody, lets do this." He said and put his shades back on. I looked at him and put my head down. I couldn't let my emotions show to him even though he could see right through me. I starred out the window and gathered my thoughts.

10 minutes later....

We arrived and there were many people with cameras and signs. We put a blanket over Samantha's head and rushed them in. I unlocked the door to a office and told Samantha to sit in here until it was time for her to come in. I can't lie I was nervous. I ran to the restroom and threw up, I've never been like this before. I rinsed my mouth out and went to get some water.

"You ok?" Dominic asked. I looked up at him and gave him a fake smile. "I'm fine, thanks." I said firmly. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back in the bathroom.

"I know your nervous ma, I am too. Just breathe and everything will be alright." He said and then he kissed my cheek. I smiled and he smiled back.

I walked out and went to the designated court for our case

"All rise for Judge Black", The officer said. Everybody did what was said and when he told us to sit we did.

"Dominic Alexander Hall, what is your plea?" Judge black asked. He stood up and said," Not guilt your honor."

"Really? Do you understand what you're here for Son?"

"Yes, I do. I am very aware your honor." He said.

"Ok lets Proceed." The judge said. We proceeded with everything and argued back and forth with each other. I presented everything I had and shocked the jury with it.

"Very impressive Ms. Carter" The judge said.

"Your honor I have one witness. I call Samantha Anderson to the stand." I said. Samantha walked though the isle. I could tell she was nervous. She was my secret weapon. I questioned her and showed the jury and the judge evidence that the girl that was killed was ordered to set up Dominic and if it didn't fall through that she will be killed.

"You bitch." Someone in the crowd said.

"Order in the court!" The judge said and asked them to remove that person. "There will be none of that in my court room. Ma'am you may exit." It was now 11:57 and they called for a recess. "We will have our final argument after." The judge stated and slammed her gravel on the desk.

We went across the street to eat. Samantha was scared to death. "Your gonna be fine Samantha. I'll make sure of that." I said, and she smiled and held her head up. After 30 minutes we went back to the court room. I went to the judge Chambers and asked that the witness be placed under witness protection. He granted my order and had someone gather all of her things and get her and her family set up. "Thank you so much Samantha, I hope you enjoy life girl." I said and gave her a hug as well as an envelope from Dominic and some people in my firm. 

"Your welcome, I had to help you guys. He's innocent and I knew it." She said and hugged me back. We were still in the judge chambers. "Sorry sir, and thanks again for granting that for me." I said and went back to have a seat.

Once again we rose for the judge and proceeded with the trial.

"Your Honor, this man is a murder and a liar. We can't let him back in the streets. He's a drug dealer, our youth will look up to him and follow in his foot steps. He' a danger to himself and society. We are trying to clean our streets not make them even more filthy." The man said. He pulled out some more evidence from the security footage that they got from the family. I looked at it and wrote notes. This was obviously fake and I was ready to get in his ass. He finished up and I stood up proudly.

"Your honor this man is innocent, you see we haven't seen and clear evidence against my client. SO why are we still having this discussion on him? Why are you still accusing this man when you know he's innocent? Your setting your self up for failure every time you pull out papers you claim to have on him." I said and the jury looked surprised. I played his tape again and pointed out the difference between the two tapes. Then I played the tape from Dominic's home over and over again.

"Your honor this here proves what actually happened that night. I request a move for dismissal. Simply because they don't have any evidence. My client is being accused of something he obviously did not do. Why send a innocent man to jail? Why not find the real creep who killed these people? That'll be all your honor." I said as I gave the tape to the judge and took my seat.

"Your guys put up a good fight, Sir your tape was tampered and you brought it in my court room as evidence. Ma'am your tape is the original that came from Mr. Hall's home. My question is how did he end up with it? This case is dismissed for lack of evidence. I'm sorry for your loss ma'am but this is obviously not the man that killed your daughter. Case dismissed." We all got up and shook hands and left the court room.

"Thank you so much Ms. Carter." Dominic said, while giving me a hug. A smiling team walking out of the building and towards our vehicles, we hear several shots fired. Everyone ducking down, running and I saw Sam and Monica run to the car and pulled it up by the steps. I ran towards the car when I seen Dominic fall to the ground.

"Somebody help please!" I yelled out. I seen a man get tackled to the ground and I assumed it was the person that shot Dominic.

"Serena we have to get him in the car, come on help me lift him up." Sam said as each grabbed a side to get him in the car. He was bleeding out and tried to shut his eyes. I slapped his face and said, "Dominic your gonna be ok. You have to stay awake for me." I said. I was scared and started crying. I took off his suit jacket and his shirt, He was shot once in the shoulder and on his side. I could tell that the one on his shoulder barely hit him. We were almost to the hospital when he said, "Thanks again Serena. Stay up beautiful." I looked him in his eyes and said, "Your welcome Dominic, but keep talking to me." 

"You say I'm beautiful and I think your so handsome. Especially you eyes, let me see them Dominic." I smiled as he opened his eyes and we starred at one another as I held his hand. 

We arrived at the hospital, Monica jumped out to grab a wheelchair. Sam and I grabbed him and pushed him inside. "Can we get a doctor please." I screamed. A nurse came over and yelled for help. Several people came over and placed him on a stretcher. They then took him to the back and stopped us at the door ".Everything happened so fast. He's going to pull through." Monica said.

"Yea, I know." Sam said. I was sitting there shaking and was nervous as hell. I told Monica to fill out the forms for Dominic and grab his cell phone to start calling some people in his messages that he seemed close to. I then called Shaniya and Amber and told them to bring me my car and my clothes. We sat up there for five hours before the doctor came to see us. Several of his family and friends had came to sit in the waiting area, anxious to hear the news. 

"Family of Dominic Hall", The doctor yelled out. His mother and Father stood up and walked towards the doctor. "He was shot in the shoulder and on his side. He's a very lucky man. We were able to remove the bullet, but he lost a lot of blood which caused him to be in a coma. He's going to be fine. Its just up to him now. He's in critical care right now and were going to keep him monitored. Two at a time can come see him. If you have and questions or if you need me, please don't hesitate." Doctor Roland explained to everybody that was listening.

I was happy that he was ok but still sad that it had to happen to him. I went in the restroom and cleaned myself up and changed clothes. "Thanks you guys." I said to Sam, Monica, Amber and Shaniya. We all went to the cafeteria and ate and waited to see Dominic.

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