Chapter 37|Its not the end

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As we were giving Amber and Shaniya the run down, we figured it was time to move Shaniya to another facility since she was stable enough to be moved. She hated the plan only because she couldn't participate.

"My baby, oh my goodness I am so glad that you made it through all of this, now you can come home with me and your Step-Father." Her mother said while walking in her room. She placed a vase of flowers and a balloon that spelled 'Get Well.' I moved out of the way so she could sit beside the bed.

"Mom, who called you?" 

"Your dear friends, and I am not leaving until you get in my vehicle. Your nurse will be here in  moment so your friends can leave now." She stated while shaking her head. We all stood still staring at the two talk like we weren't in the room.

"No, they are not going anywhere, they've been here all this time, you can leave because there is no way in hell I am leaving here with you and that slob of a man you call your husband, He's definitely not my Father." Shaniya said shifting in her bed, "Now you can either leave by choice or force." Her Mother sat there in her chair scowling and feeling shamed looking around the room. She then got out of the chair and left the room. 

"You bitches can hit the door too, whoever called my Mom can kiss my ass and I don't have time to argue with you about who did it. So I'm done with all of you hoes, now get the fuck out of my room." Shaniya barked at us and we scattered like roaches.  

"How are we going to protect her when she fucking hates us for calling her mother to come be with her." Monica questioned as we walked down the stairs.

"Wait, Serena you called Michelle? Why would you do that and you know how she feels towards her? You've got to be dumbest friend ever." Amber stated while pulling her keys out.

"I'm not going to take it there with you because you haven't been around. You can have all that shit, my concern is with Shaniya. Fuck you." I said while getting in the car. I was so frustrated with how everything was playing out. I'm tired of everything and everybody coming at me on some bullshit. I leaned the seat back and rested my head, not caring where Monica was driving. I was missing work, my family disowned me and my friends all went their separate ways. 

Turning into Monica's driveway, my head was in disbelief of everything that was going on. I was beyond hurt, Shaniya was my rider. She kept it real with me from day one and in any situation she always had my back even though many times I was wrong. I knew Amber and I would eventually fall out due to her constant disrespect and her weak ass apologies. Don't get me wrong, we were all like sisters except I had to experience a few things to see who was really down for me. I exposed the real from the phony and I quickly decided to exclude some out of my life. My head was pounding and I wanted to do nothing besides disappear. Monica helped me unload the car and showed me the guest room. 

"You will be sleeping here and the bathroom is the last door on the right, there's fresh towels and soap in there and the fridge is full as well as the pantry, help yourself to whatever." She explained while pointing me in different directions. I shook my head and put my head down. "If you need anything I'm across the hall." She smiled and me and left me in the all white room. I put a few things in the drawer and made myself at home. It was only four p.m. and I had buried myself under the covers. I felt worthless, even though I needed for nothing. I was empty inside and no one could understand this feeling. Yes, I may have Monica but I'm her boss and certain things we don't discuss. Its hard to keep everything bundled in especially when I was so use to having them to lean on. 

"How about we go to the office, It's after hours  and we will be able to get any files you need to continue work." Monica said busting open the room door. I stayed quiet under the covers. "Serena, I know life sucks right now but you have clients, If you don't get back on your feet you will lose so many of them. Important clients, the ones you went an extra mile for." I listened to her explain herself and decided to get out of bed.

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