Chapter 11 The Next Day

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I was still in the hospital. I felt useless and I was becoming depressed. Yesterday Dominic showed me a side of him that I really admired. I wanted to give him a chance but I knew how risky it would be. As I sat there contemplating, my mom went out to get us breakfast. She tried to call my Dad, but he was nowhere to be found. It was hard getting through to my dad so I decided to not even bother. I felt like trash, I couldn't even move to go to the restroom alone. I'm just ready to get out of this hospital. With my mother hovering, I feel like a trapped rat. I called up my friends to see if they could come visit, something I shouldn't have to do but I understand that they have lives a well. I text my mother and told her to give me some space. I was tired of being questioned and being forced to give answers.
Moments later there was a knock on the door.
"Hey boo, How you feeling?" Amber said, with Shaniya walking in behind her.

"I'm fine." I lied to her and she just nodded her head. I looked at her and tears filled my eyes. They both came to me and hugged me tightly. Shaniya wiped my tears and said, "Everything is going to be ok now. Your fine, and nobody is going to hurt you again." I cried even harder, I started to think about that night and how I could've been killed. "I was so scared." I cried out, they held me and that's was all I needed.

Few minutes later I pulled myself together, got in the shower and laid back down. We ordered Chinese and played card games. I just wanted to go home and get in my bed but I knew there was no chance any time soon . "So I heard Dominic stayed here with you for hours, even after we left." Amber said. I looked at my food and instantly lost my appetite. I sat up cause I was about to go in on my friend, and she didn't even know it.
"Ms. Amber, why do you always her to be the buzz kill. Don't beat around my bush bitch, you wanted to ask from jump, why didn't you? You say you heard , from who A? Why does he have to be the important topic of a girls day?" I screamed. I was sick and tired of everybody wanting input on my life I just knew it was a matter of time before my friends wanted to join the train.
The doctor then came in and made them leave the room, I was getting annoyed because they kept running in and out as well as all of the many occasions listed on today. 

"When can I leave." I asked him.

"If you're looking and feeling well, maybe tomorrow. Have you been eating?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes and said Yes. I only ate 2 tea spoons of the Chinese rice. I didn't care for food or this hospital.

"How much did you eat?" I looked over to my plate and he grabbed it. He then shook his head and said, "You have to eat, to gain your health. Now I'm going to check your vitals and all scans. We ran test for any STD's and scheduled monthly appointments just In case anything pops up that we missed." I shook my head and let him do his job. 

"I am still sore in my private area and my stomach, My head is fine." I told him as he was finishing up. A nurse came in and gave me some medicine and a lunch tray from the Cafeteria. I told her to take it away and bring me some apple juice. She did just that and I rolled over to take a nap.

Meanwhile back at Dominic's house, he was planning on Serena to come over when she got discharged so she wouldn't be alone. He cleaned up his two-story house and went grocery shopping. After that he got in the shower, rolled a blunt and went to sleep.

Amber, Shaniya, Sam, and Monica where all at Serena's house making sure everything was straightened up. Then they made sure her office was decorated nicely so they could move her desk right in. Sam and Monica where going through some of her cases and were talking to her clients. Monica handled all the paperwork and talked to the judge for each case. They then made sure each client was aware of there charges and the court date, Sam handled everything in the court room. No clients lost, and a couple gained. All Serena had to do was come back to work. They spent the entire day making  sure they had everything correct,  even took their time to send everyone a thank you letter and a percentage back of what they gave to the firm. They locked up Serena's house and went home.

Back at the hospital Serena was still in the bed, starring at the tv when her mom walked in with flowers and her favorite candy. She turns on the light and smiled at her mom.

"Thanks." I said, as I hugged her and kissed her cheek.

"Your welcome baby girl. Why are you in the dark?" My mom asked.

"Why not? I'm stuck in this room, all I can do is lay here." I said

"Ask to go outside. Being cooped up in here isn't good Serena. Your making this harder on yourself. Being depressed his a hard demon to shake." She said while rubbing my back. I knew she right but I wasn't trying to hear that. "I hear you Mom, I really do, thanks for the candy." I said easing up on her a little.

Her phone began to ring and she stood up frightened.

"I have a question Mom." I said, she looked up at me and said, "Hold up baby girl this is your Dad." I rolled my eyes and just laid back down. She always tensed up when Dad called her or came around. Like she was afraid of him, I never understood their relationship. My dad was always the controlling one and my mom did everything in her power to make him happy. I wondered was he hitting her, she was the sweetest lady ever and my Dad was an asshole. If something didn't go his way, he raised hell. I did love them both, but my dad can be a headache sometimes. He gave us everything we wanted but never really told us he loved us. He let money and material things buy our love. Growing up I loved it, and thought nothing of it until I went to college and he really never showed any affection to me. I heard my Mom covering up her sniffles so I knew the conversation must have turned for the worse.

"Sorry WIll, Just come get me then." My mom said. I looked at her and said, "What do you mean? I'm sitting in a fucking hospital bed and you're leaving your own daughter, your only daughter at that Mom. Bad enough Dad doesn't wanna be around me, but you?"

She turned around and looked at me then hung up the phone. "Don't you ever in your life talk to me like that, I don't care what the situation is. I've always respected you ReRe."

"I'm sorry Ma, but you know I'm right! I don't care what you and Dad got going on, but if you leave me here alone, I'll never talk to you again!" I said. She starred at me and left the room. I couldn't believe it. I cried and cried and finally went to sleep.

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