Going home

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I yawn waking up to the sound of screaming as I sighs opening my eyes seeing down I saw hater with wander and Sylvia I tilt my head as I looked around seeing I was sitting down in haters throne as I mumbled "huh wasn't I in the floor..?" I looked back at them as I scream "hey! Please untied me! I wanna go home I'm hungry!" They all looked up at me as wander smiled wide waving at me "Hi _y/n_!" I smiled "hi wander, hi Sylvia! " hater sighs as he started shooting at wander as wander started moving around "gah!! Stay still! Sylvia came to me and untied me as I hugged her "thanks Sylvia!" She nod "your welcome lets go get wander and get out of her!"
I nod running down stairs behind her as she and i ran to wander grabbing him as they looked at hater "sorry lover boy but we taking _y/n_ now" hater blushed getting mad as Syliva took me and wander away escaping from his ship.
As I sat in Sylvia's back with wander as I smiled "thanks guys for coming for me" they smiled "ah we couldn't let hater keep you there" I smiled "let's go to my house I'll make you guys some food for being thankful for saving me" they cheer "yeah!"

In my house
"I made you guys pancakes hope you guys like them" I put them infornt of them as they smiled "thanks _y/n_!" They started eating. I giggled watching them eat as I went to go changed to my normal clothes a black mini skirt and a red shirt that went half my shoulders and some converse, I came out my room rubbing my head "ah..so much better now"
I looked at them as they finished as they rubbed there Stomach "ah _y/n_ they were really delicious!" I smiled "really? That's great! I'm happy you guys liked them" I went to sit on the couch as I sigh "why does hater always kidnapped when he knows his going to lose?" Sylvia laughed as she went to sit on the couch as well "who knows _y/n_" wander jump smiling going in front of us "awww come on _y/n_ hater loves you!"
I blushed as Sylvia laughed "come on wander, I don't think he likes _y/n_ but it is weird how he doesn't attack her when he kidnaps her" wander smiled wide "see he does like her!" I blushed listening to them as I crossed my arms "ew! Guys! Come on even if he liked me I wouldn't date him! His annoying always thinking his the greatest! And he ruins my mornings!" They laughed "ahhh that's true! you don't like it when they wake you up right _y/n_?" I nod smiling "yup!" They laughed.

We stayed all day in my house talking and watching movies until the next day they had to leave to continue they journey I smiled waving at them "be safe guys, see you soon" they nod laughing "probably next time hater kidnaps you" I sigh shaking my head as I waved at them as I wake inside my house "I hope not.." I closed my door.

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