You promised

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  I open my eyes noticing I was holding a pillow close to me , I looked down the blanket, I squeaks softly covering myself blushing , as I started to remember what happened last night.
I turn around and saw hater sleeping next to me, I sigh remembering I was married to him as I mumbled "time to start my new life.." I smirked thinking this was going to be fun.
     I yawn as I sit up in the bed covering myself with the blanket as I start poking hater "poke" I giggle poking him again "poke" he groan turning around, I laughed quietly as I stopped as I looked around "wait.. I don't have clothes. Ugh there are all in my house" I looked down at the wedding dress "I'm not going to were that anymore.." The door open as I look that way and I  see peepers, he looks at me as he blushes  "ah! Morning _y/n_" I smiled "good morning mr peepers" he walks to the side of hater "sir.. It's time to wake up!" I watched smiling wondering if he would wake up normal or mad. He groan turning away from him "leave me alone!" I laughed thinking -yup mad- .
   He open his eyes fast when he heard me laugh, he blushed sitting up fast grabbing my hand "good morning my beautiful wife" I looked at peepers and laughed "his awake now mr peepers "sir I'll go make breakfast for you two" hater turn around to see him "alright hurry!" Peepers left as I smacked hater in the arm "be nice!" He grabbed me bringing me close to his arm, I blushed trying to cover myself still "Nya! Hater let go!" He shakes his head as he kissed my shoulder "mm what does _y/n_ want to do today?" I shrugged "um i don't know yet" he lets go of me standing up from the bed "well think about it, Ima go take a shower "I nod holding the blankets close to me "okay then" he left to take a shower as I looked around the room "geeze this room is a mess, Ima have to clean later."
   Few minutes passed as hater came out of the shower and he was wearing new clean clothes as he walked to me "you can use the shower now my love" I nod standing up blushing covering myself with the blanket from the bed, he chuckled kissing my cheek as he walked out of the room, I let go of the blanket as I walked in the bathroom locking the door as I went into the shower as few minutes passed I turned off the water as I Got out and wrapped a towel around me and walked out the bathroom, I saw clothes in the bed as I got them I changed fast putting on some panties and bra, and I put on a long black dress it didn't have no straps and it was open from the thighs all the way down, I smiled looking at the mirror "I look damn good, and good thing that is open from the bottom so I can walk faster" I fixed my hair and puts some make up on that they gave me to use for the wedding. I looked around for some shoes but didn't find any I shrugged "oh well, I don't need them right now anyways"
   I walked out of the room looking around for hater as I just see watch dogs cleaning or talking. I started walking around the spaceship as I hear him yelling, I sigh walking to that direction as I open the door and see a big mess of food around the floor I looked up and see hater screaming at peepers he didn't wanted to eat that. I sigh as I thought -his acting like a spoiled brat- I walked next to hater as he notice me "you look great in that dress _y/n_" he looks down "no shoes?" I crossed my arms sitting next to him "yea thanks for the clothes and I didn't find no shoes" peepers came with some new food for hater as he put in the table as hater grabbed it, he was about to throw it as I grabbed it quickly and I smiled "mmm this smells delicious mr peepers!" Hater looked at me fast as I glared at him, he sigh "peepers bring me another one for me" he nods "yes sir!" He runs out, I put the food in the table crossing my arms looking at hater. "you made a mess here.. Stop acting like a child hater!" I looked away as I grabbed a fork, he slammed his hands in the table "I'm not acting like a child!" I ignored  him as I started eating looking away, he groan sitting back down as he mumbled some stuff, peepers came putting the plate of food in the table for hater, I looked at him and smiled "thank you mr peepers" he nod as he left.
I finished eating as I stood up as I was about to walk hater grabbed my arm, as he stood up from the chair "were are you going? Don't you wanna go with me and destroy planets?" I looked at him "I'm going to the room to clean it since it's a mess in there" he pulled me to a hug as he hold me close "I'm sorry I yelled.." I pulled away as I kissed his lips turning away " it's okay, I know a villian can't never change his ways.. Anyways I'll see you later" I walked out the room going to the bedroom, as I got in I started cleaning around, I sigh "ugh so much trash men are always so filthy..!".
1 hour passed as I finished, I smiled "I guess I'll go find hater now" I walked out of the bedroom as I go were his throne was I saw him sitting on it as he was talking how he was going to capture wander. I got mad as I went were he was " you promised you would leave wander alone if I married you, did you just lie to me?!" I started to cry looking at him, he looked at me "_y/n_.. When did you get here?" I looked down crying "I shouldn't have believe you! Now I'm stuck here!" I ran away from that room as I hear him yell my name, I ran trying to hide as I open a door and saw the lava room I went in as I closed the door sitting in the floor  holding my knees as I looked at the lava.
     I few minutes passed as I heard watch dogs looking for me I sigh as I stopped crying and looked around the room, they were so many weapons on here, i closed my eyes putting my head on my knees as I feel asleep.
   Someone one started shaking my shoulders slowly as I started to wake up I rubbed my eyes as I saw hater leaning down in front of me "I been looking all over for you." I looked down putting my head on my knees again "leave me alone.." He frown "_y/n I'm sorry I forgot I promised you that, but I'll keep that promise.. Because I don't want to lose you.. I love you" I looked up slowly as I saw him blushing looking away, I smiled lightly "really?" He looked at me as he nods "yes,really.." He stood up straight as he grabbed my hand pulling me up on my feet, I hugged him fast as I smiled, I was actually falling for him. He says his a villian but I know his nice and sweet even tho he tries to hide does feelings..
  He blushed as he made me look at him, "let's get out of here and then lets go somewhere were you can have fun," I nod as I let go of him as he grabbed my hand and we walked out of that room.

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