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  I woke up early morning  as I saw hater sleeping snoring really loudly I giggled as I stood up walking to the bathroom taking a shower, a few minutes passed as I got out putting on a dress as I walked back to the room and I notice hater was sleeping still.
  I sigh "you lazy bones.. " I waked out of the room walking Maximus room as I open the door he was playing with some new toys I didn't recognize as I walked to him smiling, "morning sweetie" he turns around smiling "hi mommy!" I sit next to him, "who gave you this new toys sweetie?" He shrugged smiling as he kept playing with them "I don't know mommy when I woke up I saw a lot of new toys in my room and I started playing with them, I think it was daddy" he stops playing and looks at me "daddy is the best mommy! He so cool he shoots lasers from his hands can I do that mommy?!" I giggled watching getting all excited.
   "Um I don't know Maximus you would have to tell you daddy if you can do that." He nods fast smiling and he grabs my hand "can mommy shoot lasers too?" I laughed a bit as I shake my head and rubs his head with my other hand " no sweetie I can't shoot lasers" then out of no where someone talks behind me "I can make that happen" I jumped scared as I turn around seeing hater smirking, I laugh standing up turning to him "at last you wake up you lazy bones" he laughs "sorry was really tired last night" Maximus runs to him "Daddy! Daddy! Thanks for the new toys" he chuckles looking down at Maximus "your welcome I hope you like them" Maximus nods fast running to the toys as he starts playing with them.
  As hater starts walking to me grabbing my hands "do you want to have the same power as me?" I pull my hands away shaking my head "no thanks" as I turn to Maximus "sweetie time to eat breakfast lest go" Maximus gasp standing up as he starts running of the room. "Sweetie careful" as I start walking out of the room as hater grabs my hand fast before walking out.  "Why not y/n?" I look at him as I sigh "because you use them for evil and I'm not evil" he pouts as he looks at me. I looked at him then away "let's go hater I'm hungry" he walks to me still holding my hand as he kisses my cheek. "Okay, I love you" I smiled looking at him "i love you too hater.
   We walked out the room walking to the other room were the table was as we see Maximus all ready sitting walking for breakfast, we laughed looking at him as hater tell him if he was hungry as he nods.
~~~~~~~skipping food~~~~~
   Me and Maximus went to a fair it was the last day in this fun planet and we had to go I told hater if he wanted to come but sadly he said no since he had work to do.
Maximus wanted to get in all the rides and well of course we did we started playing and eating junk food until it got late as Maximus was yawning all ready "aww are you tired sweetie?" He nods running his eyes "yes mommy I wanna sleep" well let go home now" I picked him up and his new teddy bear as I called hater in the phone. "H-hello!" Hear everyone screaming in the background "hater what's happening?" He panicked a bit "h-huh? Oh! Nothing! Nothing at all!, peepers speed up!" I sigh knowing what was happening he was fighting dominater I hung up the phone not even telling him to pick us up, as I hold Maximus on my arm I started walking to the closes hotel.
   I smiled walking inside a hotel as the customer panicked "y-you hater's wife?" I raised a eyebrow "umm yea..and wanders and Sylvia's friend, Anyways I wanna stay a night in a room please, I gave him some money as he nods and give me a key. "Here you go miss you really are wander's friend?" I nod smiling grabbing the key as I start walking "yup his my best friend" I go to the hotel room as I go inside turning the lights on putting Maximus in the bed" I yawn laying next to him as I pout "this bed doesn't feel that good.." I close my eyes falling asleep.
   Few hours later I hear the break open the door as I jump up scared looking at the door as I see watchdogs running in as I see hater running in hugging me, I sigh getting hugged yawning "oh y/n! I thought they kidnapped you and Maximus" I smacked him away "you didn't hurt the owner right?" I crossed my arms, he looks at me "not yet" I sigh as I see Maximus rubbing his eyes still tired picking him up.
   Hater smiled "let's go home" I shake my head "no" he looks at me confused "what do you mean no?" I looked away not saying anything. I knew hater would get mad as he grabs Maximus from me holding him close as he snapped his fingers pointing at me, I knew I was in trouble as the watch dogs started grabbing me as they carried me to the ship I started struggling as I said I had a idea. "Hey guys I commander peepers birthday let's sing to him!" They let me go running to peepers as I laughed running away from them "idiots it's not my birthday! Get her!!!" They started running trying to catch up to me as I kept running as I hid in a dark alley. I coughed a bit as I mumbled "ugh I haven't run in awhile.."
   I looked down I a ripped my dress open from the bottom so I can run better. As I frown " I should of listening to him.. But it was his fault.." I shakes my head as. I run to another place as I got a a ride to another planet , I went to a store and bought some new clothes and some shoes. I got my phone texting Sylvia As in my suprise they were in the same planet as I was. I went looking for them as I found them laying down resting close to some trees.  I sat next to them talking telling them the whole story.
~~~~~ hater~~~
   "Sir we can't find y/n anywhere in this planet. Peepers looked up at hater , hater sighed holding a sleeping Maximus, "are you sure have you looked everywhere even the alley remember she knows a lot of good hiding places almost like wander." Peepers looked at him " don't worry sir I'll tell the watch dogs to look more around" he left running as hater sigh walking to the sigh talking to himself  "like always your to smart y/n, I bet your not even here no more.." He started rubbing Maximus back talking him to his room laying him in bed. "Why are you acting like this y/n.." He walked out of the room as he went to sit in his chair.
I looked at my phone seeing it was 6am in the morning I yawn as Sylvia looked at me "oh y/n you need to rest sleep" I shoked my head " I can't I'm worry Maximus is with hater" wonder and Sylvia looked at me as wonder started talking "y/n hater loves you and Maximus we know he won't hurt him and you" Sylvia sighs "y/n we know hater won't change and you should know there's going to be a big villian fight soon in this planet I think is in 1 month" my eyes widen looking at her as I started getting more worry about Maximus "a-are they all going to fight dominater?" They nod "there fighting for this powerful ring and who's the best villian." I raised a eyebrow " how do you know this wander?" We bought looked at him "I accidentally told everyone there was a ring in that planet and that it was powerful and it would be there in a month..sorry" I face palm myself "it's okay wander, we're going to have to stop it before anything bad happens to Maximus and hater."
They nod "we will help y/n! Don't you worry I smiled at them "thanks guys!"

I will continue this tonight
Sorry I didn't update been so busy~

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