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I jumped excited waiting for hater, he promised me he would take me to the carnival today, well it was our date, I went to our room as I walked in he was looking at himself in the mirror, I pout as I walk to the bed grabbing my phone "stop looking at yourself in the mirror hater, you look good" he laughs "oh yeah iknow I do" I walked to him hugging his arm "when are we leaving love?" He blushed and looked down at me "n-now" I smiled pulling him out the room"yay well let's go!"
   Peepers left us in the planet were the carnival was as he left, we walked in the carnival as I looked around excited, he looked at me "calm down _y/n_ it's just a carnival" I looked up at him " I'm sorry I just love carnivals! I use to go to them every year when I lived on my planet" he looked at me then to the lil games as he grabbed my hand pulling me to the games " oh okay, in that planet called aerth?" I giggled " earth" he chuckled "right earth!" He started playing as he won a big teddy bear as he gave it to me , I grab it hugging it tightly "thanks your the best!"
   Hours passed as it became really late , hater have won lots of prizes and of course he would give them to me, we got hungry and we went to eat in a small restaurant that was close to the carnival, as we eat it's was pretty calm, I looked around as I saw everyone starring at me, I looked at hater as he eat his food as I smile, as I looked at my food-heh there probably thinking I'm crazy for being with hater..- "_y/n_?" I looked at hater "yes dear?" He frown "what's wrong don't like your food?" He got mad "want me to tell them to make it again?" I giggled as I shakes my head "no my food it's okay. And it's nothing I was just thinking of something" he grabbed my hand "you sure?" I nod "yeah, you should eat your food so it doesn't get cold" he smiled as continued eating I smiled as I started eating my food as well.
     As we finished peepers picked us up as we were back in the spaceship, I was holding some of my plush as hater helped me with the other ones, we tooked them to our room putting them in the bed, then I kissed hater "thanks for the great day! I love everything you gave me today" he chuckled as he kissed me back " hah your welcome, I'm glad you had fun" I nod fast smiling , he chuckled as he stretched "we should sleep it was a long day" I yawn as I nod "okay then" we got in to bed covering ourself with the blanket as we fell asleep.

Lord hater x reader (wander over yonder)Where stories live. Discover now