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   The day has come it's been a whole month all ready, I was feeling really nervous. Last night I went and bought some clothes for battle . As I took a shower in this cheap hotel wander and Sylvia got for 1 night, I changed to a shirt it had holes all around the black shirt it looked pretty damn cool. And I bought some red shorts I put some long stockings going up my knees and some sneakers since apparently that was a thing in this universe .  I grabbed some laser guns and hide them on the back of my shorts covering them with my shirt.
   I started putting on my make-up on , I was definitely ready. As I open the door of the bathroom I walk out and see Sylvia and wander looking at me smiling "you ready to help you family?" I nod smiling "yup! Let's go!" We got out of the hotel as wander made a bubble around us as we started leaving the planet, as I looked around we notice the small place were the fight was going to be I sigh thinking to myself "was it going to be hard?.. Will Maximus be all right..?" I shook my head I couldn't get distracted I need to do this and go check if my son was alright.
    We landed as we saw some spaceship arriving as well as we went and hid behind some rocks "hey wander at what time is it going to start?" He shrugs "probably until everyone starts shooting or someone starts getting close to the ring" I nod smiling "ah okay then"
More villians started arriving as I notice hater's shipped arrived as well as they landed in the ground watchdogs started coming out and behind them was lord hard hater and peepers as I kept watching I didn't notice Maximus I sigh , as I mumbled "thank god" he didn't bring him out but I knew as well it was dangerous to leave him in the ship right now.
As hater yell at the watchdogs to attack the fight started it was crazy everyone was fighting I looked at Sylvia "I'll come back Ima check Maximus fast!" She nods as wander was distracted watching everyone fight, as Everyone left the entrance some and leaving the ship open I ran inside looking for Maximus, I ran inside his room as I see him playing some game as I smile "hi sweetie " his eyes widen seeing my as he ran to me "mommy your here! I missed you!" I hugged him smiling "I missed you too sweetie but I have to leave need to protect daddy, so stay here safe please" he nods smiling "alright mommy I'll stay"
  I let go of him as I start running outside the ship grabbing my laser gun smirking looking up were the ring was "well Ima definitely get you" as started running shooting trying to avoid powerful villians I notice hater with some other villian fighting as I jumped up to some rock and I looked up notice there were like 6 rocks to go all they way up was the ring as I sigh "really wander couldn't you put it closer.." I rubbed my belly running as some watchdogs saw me and they wave at me they were obviously happy to see me as I smile and wave at them back I kept running jumping to the 2 Rock.
"Damn these rock are pretty far away from each other!" I looke up again as I notice hater was all ready like in the 4 Rock/level I sigh "that was fast!" I continue running shooting anyone that got in my way as I notice a lot of villians were avoiding me, it was weird but I guess they knew if they did something to me hater would go all mad, I smirk "perfect!" I jump to the 3rd and 4th pretty fast as I see hater still in the 4th rock/level everyone was attacking him, I cough,I was so tired I rubbed my small belly, "this was really hard. I wanted to help hater but I need to get that ring before anyone and even hater and I didn't want him to see me here he would probably forget about everyone just to catch me."
   My laser gun stopped working as I threw it away having just one I ran hiding from hater as I climbed to the 5th rock I smile widely "I'm almost there" as I looked up I notice dominater was arriving my eyes widen "fuck..this is going to get bad.." As I looked around everyone stopped fighting looking up at dominater's ship , I realize dominater was coming down were the ring was , I panicked as I start running as I climbed fast the 6th rock as I ripped open the side of my shirt as I notice I'm bleeding "stupid rock" I stand up running as dominater was about to get the ring that was right in the middle I jumped from the left side grabbing it first as roll carefully trying not to hurt my belly to the right side of the rock putting the ring on my finger.
    I stand up as I looked at dominater as I licked the ring "mmm (whatever flavor) yummy, sorry dominater this is mine"
Dominater starts walking to me , I started panicking I couldn't fight dominater not right now I step back a bit as dominater got closer, as I close my eyes someone runs Infront of me, as I open my eyes I see hater and I see his gloves had the green lightning power, he doesn't turn around to look at me as he stares at dominater, as well as dominater stopped to look at him "y/n! you shouldn't be here it's dangerous!" I crossed my arms "I can take care of myself! I made it here first then you!" Hater shoots his lightning to dominater as she flies down the rock/ level all the way down as hater turns around walking to me.
   He stopped right infront of me as I squeak lighty looking up at him.  I forgot he was so tall, he looks down at me seeing me all messy with ripped shirt scrap knees and messy hair then he grabs my hand were the ring was as he pulls it up looking at it as he groans mumbling "wander.." As he moves me seeing me bleeding from my side his eyes widen then looks down and sees my small belly as he lets go of my hand "y/n go to the ship now" he turns around as I look at him "no" he sigh "y/n go now" I cross my arms "no I'm staying here until this all ends" he turns around looking at me with anger/sadness on his eyes "y/n listen to me for once! Go to the ship now! You can't be here, it's to dangerous!" He walks to me as he grabs both my shoulders looking down at me "I'm sorry for what I did, you can be mad at me I understand but I love you and I don't want you to get more hurt then what you are right now" I sigh looking up at him "I love you too Baka and I'm not leaving with out you" he sigh as he grabbed me as we teleported inside his ship and he called peepers thru his phone "peepers! Bring the watch dogs to the ship were leaving!" He hangs up as he looks at me and grabs my hand taking me somewhere "we're are we going?" We keep walking "We going to see the doctor in the ship" I yawn "can I go sleep first?" He stopped turning to me "no first doctor , then shower and then you can sleep"  I smile "okay then"

At last 2017!❤️

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