Kidnapped again?!

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"It's been 2 weeks since I haven't been kidnapped by hater" I smiled looking at the mirror fixing my make up "whoop I need to celebrate for this so Ima go out and celebrate" I did a spin as I giggled looking down seeing my red mini skirt spin I went to my black shirt that went half my shoulders as I walked to to my closet grabbing converse putting them on, as I fixed my hair as it was down as I grabbed some money and walked out the house.
   I went to the closes bar around me as I Walked in sitting In the front stools as I asked for some beer, they gave me some as I started drinking.
A watch dog saw me as he got out of the bar running to lord hater's spaceship.

I was still drinking smiling relaxing as some guys sat next to me smirking "hey cutie wanna go have some fun with us?" I laughed drinking some of my beer "yeah no thanks" one of them wrapped a arm around my neck and the other one around my waist "aw come on it be just the three of us"                
     I sighs as I was about to say something then  I see a green light zap both of them as the bar got quiet and looked my way I turn around slowly to see who it was and my eyes widen seeing hater glaring at me crossing his arms, I looked around seeing everyone scared as I looked back at him. I smiled "thanks lord hater" I turned around finishing my beer, out of no more I get picked up from my waist as hater was carrying me out of the bar "hey put me down!" He grabbed me closer as I blushed "I'm taking you with me.." I sigh giving up "great I'm being kidnapped again" I looked around as alien watched lord hater take me away as some of them went to hide. He kept walking to the spaceship "this time is going to be different" I try to look at him but I could only see his hoodie "how different?" He didn't answer as we went inside the spaceship and took me to a room as he closed the door and threw me to the bed.
  I squeak falling down in the bed as I closed my legs fast pulling my skirt down a bit "hey!"
He glared at me not caring "I been looking all around for you! Why would you go to a bar at this time wearing that?!" I layed in the bed looking away "geeze I just wanted a drink.."
  He sigh looking at me still as he turn around starting to walk to the door, "sleep your staying here tonight" I stood up from the bed fast " no I want to go home" he looked back looking at me  " no remember you got kidnapped again, your staying in this room, okay? " he walked out the room as he closed the door.
  I sigh sitting in the bed as I looked around " well at least I'm not tied up and I get a nice room this time" i yawn "man drinking makes me all tired.." I took my shoes off as I looked around for cameras "hmm they better not be any.."  I took my shirt off and my skirt staying in bra and panties as I threw the clothes  to the floor as I crawled in the middle of the bed covering myself as I smiled "aw this is a really nice bed" I closed my eyes falling asleep.

Lord hater
  I blushed standing in front of the room that  _y/n_ was in,  remembering what she was wearing, I looked down at the floor as I glared at it " that idiot..wearing does type of clothes outside.. She was lucky I found her" i sigh "tomorrow she's going to be mine at last" I turn around walking to my men, as I see them getting the things ready for tomorrow.
   Commander peepers comes to me "sir are you sure about this? What if wander and Sylvia come to stop you?" I smirk looking down at him " I have a plan, don't worry everything will go as plan" I yawned walking to my room "I'm going to sleep I need to rest for the big day tomorrow"
I smiled walking to my room closing the door.

To be continue ~

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