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Months had passed and Maximus was 8 months all ready , he was starting to walk all ready , it was a bit early but I guess since he got hater's powers and strength it was probably that's why he could walk all ready, but it was dangerous since there was a lot of weapons in the ship,

Wander and Silvia wanted to take him to have some fun , hater didn't want to because then his son would turn like wander , but of course he would exaggerated so much but his mommy let him since I knew wander was great with kids and being so nice.
So It was a day off for me and hater we were going to relax all day...well actually me since hater was going to go rule a new planet and I didn't wanted to go since I thought I was mean taking someone else home, so I was going to stay inside the ship and see what I would do.
Hater kissed me good bye "y/n ill come back when I finished " I nod pouting "alright then.." He walked away with peepers as I went to walk to the kitchen, I was pretty hungry, I went and got some chips and soda and went to hater's and mine room as I started playing around with his guitar , " I may be a mom but I'm still young and get bored being lonely "

"Sir! We did it another planet is yours!"
Hater sighs sitting on his throne "yeah peppers, hm what do you think y/n is doing?" Peepers tilts his head looking at her " well she's probably relaxing like she said sir. Probably taking a nap" hater nods as she chuckles " yeah! Your probably right peepers she's been busy lately, Well let's hurry up so we can go to back in the ship!" Peepers nods "yes of course sir!".

I started messing around with all his stuff mostly his guitars and his stereo as I finished I lay down in the floor "ugh I'm so tired, I need to relax for awhile" I yawn closing my eyes to relax for awhile leaving a mess around the room as I smile "I'll fix everything in awhile before hater gets here" I feel asleep a few minutes later.

30 minutes passed as hater and the watchdogs were going back to the ship as hater told peepers he was going to rest since it was a busy day , he nods as hater walks to his room hoping y/n was there, as he opened the door of his room his eyes widen seeing the mess of his stuff "y/n! We're are you!!" I squeak jumping scared as I yawn standing up rubbing my eyes. Hater looks to the side looking at me as he sighs walking Infront of me "why were u sleeping on the floor ? There a big bed next to you. And it's our bed." I shrugged looking up at him "kinda feel asleep in the floor" he looks down at me as I notice his glaring at me, I panicked a bit.
  "Why is there A mess in the room? And why just my stuff!?" I squeak lightly as I looked away "well I got bored and wanted to do something since you were busy and Maximus is with wander.." He sighs as he pulled me close to him as he stroke my hair "I'm sorry for screaming..I know you get lonely easily especially since our son is with wander" he yawns "I'm tired and for sure you tired as well let's rest a bit"
    I nod smiling as I walked with him to the bed laying down holding each other close closing our eyes "okay then my Hatey" he smirks closing is eyes "I love you my queen" I blushed  closing my eyes as well "I love you as well my king"

Nyah! Sorry it was a bit sucky! >.<

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