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I coughed a few times as I slept in my bed it was 10am and I was really sick.. Hater was awake he was in Maximus room as well with commander peppers Maximus he was sick as well, and they were going to take care of him since I couldn't.
"Peppers! Maximus is sick what do we do? Y/n can't do anything since she sick as well too, and she still sleeping." Peppers panics " sir I have no idea, but wait! We can take him to the doctor we have in here in the ship! " hater smiles "that's a great idea commander peppers! Let's go take him right now, or even better let just tell the doctor to come over here, call him peppers!" Peppers grabs the phone as he starts to dial some # , he talks to the doctor he clicks the phone "his coming right away sir." Hater crosses his arms " now we will wait"
A few minutes pass as the doctor comes to the room and starts checking up on Maximus as hater and peppers watched. As the doctor finishes he turns to them , "I'm finished, he will be okay just need this medicine" he gives hater some medicine "ah and needs a lot of rest so he should stay in bed" hater and peppers nod " thank you doctor " the doctor leaves the room.
Maximus wakes up rubbing his eyes coughing "daddy.. I don't feel good " hater looks at peppers " bring him some toys or something " peppers nods running out the room , haters walks to Maximus bed rubbing his head " doctor said you need to say in bed and rest so you can feel better" Maximus pouts looking around "where's mommy?" Hater frowns " mommy is sick too kiddo so she's sleeping because she needs to rest too.
" okay daddy I'll rest" hater smiles as he gives him some medicine and Maximus falls back to sleep, as peppers comes back with some watch dogs .
They bring some toys and put them around the room as some other bring cookies and some other junk food Maximus likes so he could eat when he wakes up again. " great job commander peppers he will be excited when he wakes up again " the watch dogs leave as hater and peppers starts walking out as well. " we are so getting better at taking care of Maximus sir" hater nods " I totally agree , we should take care of him more often" they close the door of Maximus going back to evil plans,

Short chapter guys
Sorry I'm kinda sick and its 12pm >~< lol
Goodnight/morning ❤️

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