Father and son

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It been a few months and hater been struggling taking care of Maximus when I go make him his bottle, so I was planning to make him take care of him for one day,
I grabbed Maximus as I snuggled him as he was sleeping still as I looked at hater changed from his PJs "Hatey I need a favor from you" he looked at me "what is it I need to go talk to peepers about some plans" I walked to him putting Maximus on his arms running to the door.
" be a good sweetie and take care of him today need to buy some stuff for him! Bye bye !" I run out the door of the room.
"Hey!! I don't know how to take care of Maximus! " he sighs looking down at him sleeping " I guess I can take him with me but y/n would probably get mad at me.. I could of just send some watchdogs to buy the stuff.." Maximus starts crying as hater panics, " oh you must be hungry lets go to the kicthen"
He starts walking out as he tells a watchdogs to tell peepers to go to the kicthen, he keeps walking as y/n is hiding as she gives a camera to a watchdog "take pictures of hater taking care of Maximus please" he nods as I go to buy the stuff Maximus needs.
Hater walks to the kicthen with Maximus crying still as peepers gets there as well "peepers! Help me make a bottle for Maximus.!" Peepers panics looking up at him "sir! I don't know how to do one.." Hater panic holding crying Maximus looking around.
"I seen y/n do one go grab the bottle and put water and warm it up and put that powder, i think it's milk" peepers nods making it as he finishes "okay now taste it" peepers eye widen "but sir!" Hater glares down at him "make sure it's good I don't want to make Maximus sick, y/n will kill me, it's better if she kills you " peepers sigh tasting some of the milk "omg it's really good!"
Hater grabs it putting it on Maximus mouth as he stops crying, hater sighs "great job peepers "
"Um sir we have that important planning today for that second last planet.."
Hater looks at him "cancel it until tomorrow, I have to take care of Maximus until y/n comes back"
Peepers nods "alright sir " he starts walking out the kitchen, Maximus finishes his bottle as hater starts patting slowly his back until he burps.
Hater chuckles " I'm the greatest villian dad!"
Hater starts walking to his room putting Maximus on his his and y/n's bed as he crosses arms "when is she coming back this is so hard.. Must be hard to be a mother, Ima get a her a present for being a great mother!"
Maximus starts crying again as hater sighs looking down at him "what's wrong you eat all ready..." He smiles as he screams "omg! That smell! It's horrible!" He cries "I don't want to change a diaper! Y/n!!! Come back all ready!!"
A few minutes passed as some watchdogs came to help hater change the diaper hater was tired all ready it's been a long day as he layed down in bed with Maximus falling asleep.
Y/n starting walking to the room as she went to the watchdog with the camera "did you take some pictures?" He nods giving me the camera "yes miss y/n you will like them" I smile grabbing the camera "thanks!"
I started walking to the room as I open the door I see a big mess everywhere as I sigh and I look at hater and Maximus sleeping in the bed as I go kiss hater in the cheek and kiss Maximus forehead as I smile.
Like father and son.❤️

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