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I yawn rubbing my eyes as I sit up in the bed "ah this is a great bed.." I looked down as my eyes widen, as I panic I was angry and scared I was wearing a sexy white nightgown but for weddings ( "w-who change me..?"
I squeak blushing holding my body "the most important question is who saw me naked?!" I growl standing up the bed walking out of the room ignoring the looks of the watch dogs as I started walking to hater's room "his going to pay!" I open the door as I walked in as I see him looking at himself in the mirror, I crossed my arms "a-hem!"
He turned around and looked at me as he blushed deeply "_y/n_! W-what are you doing in my room!" He looked away fast blushing still "hater why am dress like this!? Who saw me naked?!" He looked at me as he walked in front of me putting his hands in my shoulders "calm down _y/n_. It was some of my men I told them to change you to that, now go back to your room so you can get ready" I looked at him " ready for what?" He let go of me and turn away "you will see" I sigh turning away walking out the room going to my room he gave me "damn that hater, always with his stupid plans to capture wander and Sylvia.."
I walk inside my room as I went and sat in the bed as I sigh. "Damn I'm hungry now.."
The door open as commander peepers comes with a plate of breakfast "here _y/n_ this for you" I grabbed it as I smiled at him "thanks so much I was hungry all ready" he nods "hurry and eat some watch dogs are going to come to give you some clothes" I nod "alright then" I started eating as he walks out of the room.
30 minutes passed as I finished
I smiled "ah that was delicious!" I stood up as I looked at the clock it read 12:00pm "ah it pretty late all ready!" The door open as some watch dogs came inside "_y/N_ lord hater said your dress is in the closet you have to put it now" I walked to the closet as I open it and I see a long white wedding dress, as I turn to look at them "a wedding dress?!" They nod "yeah that's the dress lord hater told us" lord hater walks in the room as the watch dogs leave closing the door. "
hater I'm not putting on that dress" he walks to me grabbing my hand as he looks at me "yes you are _y/n_ because we going to get married" I blushed pulling my hand away "wait what?! I never agreed to this! Hater your joking right?! " he shakes his head grabbing me from my waist pushing me to his chest, I blushed looking up at him as he looked down at me "I want you to be my wife baby" I blushed deeply as I didn't say anything as I looked away as I thought this was just a crazy plan of his.. "annnddd if you marry me I promise I'll leave alone wander and Sylvia" I looked fast back at him "you would really do that..? Is this one of your stupid plans to catch them..?" He looks down at me with a serious face "no, I really want to be with you" I bite my lip lightly as I sigh looking at him "fine I'll marry you..but you must promise to not hurt wander and Sylvia anymore" he nod smiling letting go of me "deal! Now put on that dress it's almost time"
I nod turning away from him " yea sure, now go away" he starts walking to the door "sure babe!" He walks out closing the door, I sighed as I started putting the dress on , as I finished I sat down in the chair looking at the mirror. I started putting my makeup on as I thought to myself - if this will keep hater from bothering wander and Sylvia then I'll will do it- I smirked a bit "I probably can handle hater more then anyone and i bet I can change him" I sigh smiling as I mumbled "even if I don't love him I will do this for my friends.." As I finished I was ready, I stood up walking to the door.
I open the door as I see a watch dog waiting for me as he give me a bouquet " hi _y/n_ I'm the one taking you to room were the wedding is going to be" I nod. " okay then" he started walking as I followed him as I hold on to the bouquet In front of me. We stop in front of this big doors as he looked at me "ready?" I nod as I got nervous hearing a lot of voices inside "y-yeah" as he opened the doors everyone stopped talking and looked my way.
   Music started playing as I started walking in the middle as I saw hater In front smiling at me , i sigh looking at him of course he wouldn't change clothes., he was wearing the same thing as always expect he had a black bow tie. I kept looking straight as I noticed watch dogs and other people were watching. I mumbled quietly "I guess he invited a lot of people .." As I got next to hater the music stop and the man in front of us started talking

A few minutes passed ((sorry I don't know what they say in wedding >~< lol))

The doors busted open as Sylvia and wander walked in , everyone turn around as we looked at them "_y/n_?! Are you seriously going to marry lord hater?! Remember his evil, His probably has a plan to hurt wander or worse you!" Wander smiled wide "wow! Our little _y/n_ is getting married!" I looked at hater as he nod, I walked to them as I sigh "please Sylvia don't worry about me.." I whisper quietly in her ear "I'm doing this to save wander..and you.." She frown at me , as I smiled "don't worry okay please I can handle hater go sit down and watch the wedding" Wander grabbed Sylvia and went to sit down,
I went back next to hater as we looked at each other as we put on the rings as the guy told hater "you may now kiss the bride" I panic I was going to be kiss my hater no my husband..I sigh I guess Ima have to kiss back. He grabbed me by my waist pushing me to him as he kissed me deeply I closed my eyes kissing him back, we both pull away as everyone was clapping. We hold hands as we started walking thru the middle as we got out of that room.

To be continued~

Lord hater x reader (wander over yonder)Where stories live. Discover now