honeymoon part 1

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  We went to our wedding party in another room as we eat and talked now it was time to dance , I sigh as hater hold me close, as I was trying to push away "come on _y/n_ we need to dance" I shook my head looking away embarrassed "no I don't know how to dance that good" he laughed wrapping his arms around my waist "don't worry I'll teach you" I sigh wrapping my arms around his neck (technically his hoodie lol) "fine then.."
    We started dancing and everyone saw, some couples starting dancing as well, time passed as. The party was over as people started leaving, the last ones there was wander and Sylvia as I went to them asi smiled lightly "thanks for coming guys" I grabbed my key from my house as I gave it to Sylvia "you guys can have my house please take care of it since I know hater won't let me go there anymore" they nod "thanks _y/n_  but are you sure you made the right decision?" I shrugged "who knows but it can't be changed now, I'm stuck her" wander hugged me as he gave me a red rose "for you _y/n_ your wedding present since we know you love roses" I smiled "thanks!" They nod smiling  "we'll be better head off now bye _y/n_ if anything happens you know were to find us" I nod as I waved at them as they left the spaceship.
   I sigh crossing my arms as I turn away looking around "wow what a mess" I started walking as I saw it was so late all ready "hm I wonder were is hater now ugh who cares I need to go sit down" I went and sat on hater's throne as I took my high heels off as I smiled "ah that's so much better.." I looked down at my dress as it was kinda puffy I smiled a bit "heh I kinda like this.." The doors open from that room as hater walked in looking at me "let's go rest baby" I groan standing up walking to him, as he grabbed my hand walking to his room.
    We walked in his room as he locked the door and he let go of my hand as I sat down in the middle of the bed crossing my arms "so _y/n_ wanna go on a honeymoon?" I looked away "no way hater" he sat next to me as he grabbed my hand close to him "what if we have it here then?" I sigh thinking I should started acting like his wife now since I did get married to him, I looked at him and smiled "sure but just tonight" he jump up happy smiling "yes of course!"
To be continued ~

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