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It's been a few weeks since hater been   me since his been busy concurring planets.. Well trying since he was last on the list of evil rulers.. I sigh as I sat on my bed looking around. "Nyah it's been so boring!" I stood up walking out the room I went to one of the main rooms as I open the door slowly and see hater and peepers talking in the big screen. I tilt my head as I see they were  talking a sanwhich?

  I walked in slowly closing the door behind me as I started walking to them as I started playing with my hair -geeze my hair has gotten really long.. I should probably cut it- I heard the sanwhich fighting with them about planets as I hear the sanwhich say "where's your wife I bet she's more evil then you are hater!

   I stopped behind hater as my eyes widen as I started thinking -she thinks Im more evil then hater?- I looked at hater he pointed at the screen mad as he was going to say something but nothing came out his mouth the sanwhich laughed at him. I sigh lightly as I wrapped my arms around hater's stomach as I poke my head to the side of him as I laughed looking up at the screen "why thank you for saying I may be more evil then him, you little evil sanwhich but.. I think you should be worry,  cuz..if I am I can take all does planets you have right now" I smirked looking up at the screen, I see evil sanwhich get mad as it started screaming at me well the screen as I roll  my eyes as I grabbed the control from hater's hand "you talk to much.." I click on the button as the screen turn off as I let go of hater standing up straight.
I looked at hater as he looked at me as he was mad "what were you thinking getting her mad!? I shrugged as I have peepers the control turning away "I was bored since you been ignoring me all this time" I started walking to the doors "we'll see ya later Ima leave" hater sigh crossing his arms "were are you going?" I stopped and looked at him " Ima go to the mall" I turn away walking out the door as I closed them, I grabbed my bag and called a taxi as it was waiting outside and I left.

I sigh looking at _y/n_ leave as shook my head  peepers started talking about how everything was true and blah blah blah I groan, he always said the samething, I started thinking how _y/n_ was right I have been ignoring her all this few weeks since I been trying to get more planets, the only time I talk to her was when we went to sleep and we bearly talked since I would be going in the room late and  when I got in the room she be sleeping all ready.

_y/n_ pov~
  As the taxi left me in the mall I sigh as I started walking around "I need to buy lots of clothes since I'm tired wearing this long black dress.. I know hater loves it. Well.. Love it since he doesn't even pay attention to me no more" I sigh as I started going to different stores
Skips time~

I had a lot of bags all ready as I started walking out the mall I looked out as it was late all ready "geeze I'm so tired and this bags are heavy, it would of been nice if hater would of picked me up.. But his probably busy arguing with other villains for planets.."

I called a taxi as it came for me as It was taking me to the spaceship, the taxi notice it as he was a bit scared , I looked as I see they were being attacked by the some other spaceships "mr driver can you go the same speed as them please" he nods as he starts going fast  as we get next to hater's ship, I see hater outside talking to peepers in a taxi  as the spaceship was being attacked i sigh
     " can you get a bit closer so I can jump out" he got closer to the tongue of the spaceship as hater turn around and sees me "_y/n_  your back all ready?! It's to dangerous for you to be here right now"I ignored  him as I payed the taxi man as I grabbed my bags" thank you sir!"
     I jumped out the taxi to the tongue of the spaceship grabbing all my bags, I noticed peepers got out the taxi as hater grabbed me caring me from the waist going inside the spaceship, as we got in they close the entrance as hater dropped me and he and peepers ran to the main room.
I groan standing up grabbing my bags "geeze dropping me like that how rude!" I sigh as I started walking to hater's room "what do I expect from a evil villian.." I got to the room as I closed the door dropping the bags everywhere as I fall in the floor on my knees looking down, "this sucks I'm all alone.."
     I sigh standing up as I stayed quiet thinking - hmm I haven't heard any explosion yet I guess we won- I yawn stretching as I took out my dress dropping it to the floor as grabbed my new night gown leaving it open it was made of silk it was cold and nice. I looked at the bed as the room door open behind me, I knew that was hater he was probably going to sleep all ready since it was a long day for him.

I closed my night gown covering my body as I felt some arms wrapped around my waist as he put his chin on my head "I'm sorry I haven't been paying attention to you my love.. I'm sorry I been rude, I didn't mean too.. I love you and you know that right..?" I stayed quiet as I nod, he let go of me as he turn me around to look at him " do you love me _y/n_?" 
     I giggled lightly looking at him " of course I do you idiot.. I would of been way gone if I didn't" he smiled kissing my cheek as he looked around " did you have fun shopping?" I nod smiling " yes I bought lots of new clothes and this new night gown" I spin around, he chuckled " my love always looking good" I giggle sitting on the bed looking up at him, " so how did you pay?" I looked away "ah about that.. I grabbed some gold you had. Since you have a lot of money in your treasure room"
      I blushed embarrassed looking away still, he walk to the side of him room changing to his pajamas " it's okay love   My treasure room is also yours so don't be embarrassed, grab all the money you need." He layed down on his side yawning as I crawl next to him "really?" He nods "yeah your my wife all my stuff is also yours" I blushed smiling happily kissing his lips as I lay next to him.
     "Thanks love your the best!" He blushed turning away closing his eyes "heh yeah I know I'm the greatest in the universe" I giggled closing  my eyes " goodnight my..." I hear him snoring all ready "geeze you must of been really tired with this fight" I giggled closing my eyes falling asleep.

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