Happy day

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    Y/n smiles as she walked around the ship looking for hater she had great news to tell him , she was nervous but she knew he would be happy as well , she smiles as she rubbed her belly it's been 2 months since hater sing her that beautiful song and we'll they had there fun as well.
    She went to the doctor and got the great news she was pregnant with hater's child and she was excited to tell him right away so she went to the main room were hater went to go play his video games.
    She saw him as she smiles and sits on his lap as he continue playing she snuggles him as he laughs "you look to happy darling, what did you do?" She smiles up at him clapping excited "you going to be a daddy!"
   He drops his controller as he looks down at me shocked "really y/n?" I nod smiling,
He stands up fast holding me tight excited "whoo!! Ima be a father! At last!" She giggles holding him tight "I'm glad your happy hater , we going to be a happy family soon" he nods holding me close
"Yes we will at last"
We stayed holding each other for awhile as later hater let go of me and went running out of the room telling everyone he was going to be a dad as I giggled going to my room, sitting on my chair looking at myself in my mirror as I hear hater outside screaming excited,
  I laughed listening "well I guess his going to tell everyone in the ship them come to the room to rest, I smiled going to my bed waiting for him.

((Sorry I didn't update faster was feeling sick and went to the hospital today >.< so I'm really tired
And sorry it's kinda short ):
I promise I'll make next chapter long <3

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