Birthday boy

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Today was a important day , it's was Maximus 1st birthday, it will be the greates party ever , hater invited all the villians of the galaxy expect dominator of course , and I invited wander and Silvia of course since Maximus loved hanging around with them.
Hater picked the place for the party to be in, he something about a arena where the watch dogs celebrated his birthday a few years ago, I just agree since i was really busy.
Maximus was sleeping in our room so it was pretty busy getting everything to the watchdogs so they can take it to the arena, peepers was over there all ready he was bossing around the watchdogs like always and hater was lazy playing video games.
I sigh turning off the game of hater crossing my arms looking at him, as he screams "I was about to beat him!! Why would you do that???" I glared at him "it's your child first 1st birthday! You should be helping me not play video games" he pouts "fine" I walk to my room as I see Maximus waking up as I walk to him "hi sweetie time to change you to your awesome clothes!" He smiles jumping in the bed "mommy! Mommy! "
  I smile as I grabbed his new clothes and changed him fast as I grabbed his hand walking out of the room, "let go with daddy" as we walked to hater he was talking to someone In the phone well his glove , I was always funny to see him talking to his glove, I giggle letting go of Maximus as he runs to his daddy "daddy!"
   Hater clicks as he opens his arms catching Maximus as he picks him up.
"Hey there my small little villian" Maximus giggle raising his arms up "villian! Villian!"
     I smiled " okay let go now" as we left in the ship we went to the arena as everyone scream happy birthday to Maximus as he jump happy "yyay! Party!"
Maximus went running around the arena playing some games they brought as I looked around they were a lot of villains , I hold onto hater's arm as he looked down at me and chuckles rubbing my head. "Don't worry babe they won't hurt you specially since they know your my queen"
   I smiled up at him "anyways is a party for our small little villian, and they want him to be a villian as well" I sigh quietly thinking that wasn't a good idea but  I wasn't going to think about it a lot right now.
    So we all party we had a big ice cream cake , wander made a piñata of glitter, all the adults dance all day long and eat lots of candy played carnival games all night long it was a great day, especially for Maximus in the end Maximus had fallen asleep for so much excitement, the party ended late as everyone left the arena.      
     Hater carried him all the way to his room as I followed behind we put him on his bed as we said goodnight and we walk out the room closing his door.

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