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2 weeks have passed since I seen hater and Maximus, I missed my baby but I was mad at hater for all the things he been doing.. I grabbed my hair in a pony tail as I looked at wonder and Sylvia walking around this new planet we are. I looked down my phone had so many messages from some watch dogs , yea I was friends with a lot of watch dogs so they would tell me everything that was happening in the ship,
I read the text messages as they said "they couldn't take care of Maximus he been crying for mommy , hater been busy with peepers looking for me, hater was mad because you were really good at hiding." I sigh closing my phone as my stomach made noise as i looked down I notice my belly was growing , my eyes widen remebering that funn night we had a few weeks ago as I mumble "oh no not right now.." I grabbed some money "good thing I still had some money left from the fair day"
  I went inside a store and bought some chips and a pregnancy test, I went and payed for it as I walked out walking behind wander and Sylvia. "What are we doing in here?" They turn around looking at me eating chips. I hide the pregnancy test in my back pocket as I hold on to my chips as Sylvia smile "sweetie you been eating to much are you okay" I became nervous as I nod . I couldnt tell them i was maybe pregnant they would probably send me to my old home or to hater.
      I smiled at her "silly I'm just hungry and tired , we been walking to much" she nods "that's true wander let's rest" wander smiles "okay" I smiled as I went to a close bathroom as I took the pregnancy test , I waited a few minutes to check the result as I looked at it my eyes widen as I mumbled "oh no.." I sigh throwing it away as I wash my hands walking out "oh well.. I can't tell them I'm pregnant it be our little secret until they notice it" I rubbed my small belly as I walked back to Sylvia and wander as I see some watchdogs and peepers , I gasp hiding behind a tree as I hear them talking. "Someone saw y/n close go find her watchdogs!" They nod running around looking for me.
I ran to Sylvia and wander" guys we need to leave there here!" They stand up , "let's go " we left as we went to another planet , we couldn't stay in the galaxy for to much time they would probably find us there fast.
    Hater was sitting on his big chair were he played his video games he was thinking, as Maximus come next to him "daddy were's mommy? I miss her.." Hater looked at Maximus then he sigh " um mommy will come back soon she's just playing hide and seek with us" Maximus smiled wide "really!? " hater nods "yes kiddo you see your mommy is really good at hiding, and we can't find her still" Maximus claps jumping "mommy is great at hide and seek" hater nods looking away "yes she is, yes she is but don't worry we will find her soon" Maximus smiles "okay daddy!" He starts running back to his room.
   Peepers runs to hater "sir ! We lost her again.. " hater stands up looking down at peepers "peepers ! How can you guys lose her again! " peepers jumps a bit "sir people saw her with wander and Sylvia " hater face palms "of course!" He smiles "she will come back soon I know it.." Peepers looks at him "um why sir?" Hater looks down at him as he blushes "well peepers she's pregnant she won't last long outside, she won't be able to walk and she won't have money for food" peepers eye widen "h-how do you know she's pregnant?" Hater coughs looking away embarrassed  "w-well few weeks ago we were busy and its positive she will get pregnant because of that night"
Peepers blushed as he nods "anyways go peepers and kept looking for her she won't be able to be outside that much and it almost the day for the ring!" Peepers runs out the room.
  Another 2 weeks has passed and it's almost time for that fight , I need to go to that fight I don't want hater and Maximus to get hurt , the only thing Ima have to do is practice how to use some weapons, and that's what I did I bought some weapons and started learning how to used them but I hide them from wander since he didn't like weapons, Sylvia knew but she didn't tell wander neither. I sigh, my little belly Was getting a bit bigger I still could run and do stuff expect for rolling in the floor or jumping that much , I think Sylvia Still didn't notice and that was good or she wouldn't let me go to the fight
There was 1 week left for that fight and I did also notice as well hater and the watchdogs didn't looked for me as well, I think they were getting ready for that fight also everyone was getting ready.
I smiled as I kept practicing my weapons , 30 minutes passed as I walked to Sylvia and wander "hey guys what we eating today? "They looked up at me as they were playing cards "huh? Oh anything you want y/n" I smiled "well I'll go buy food for us!" They looked up at me "you sure?" I nod sure I'll go to some store" they stood up fast "let's just all go together"
   I tilt my head "you sure?" They nod starting to walk Infront of me "yea anyways we were finished playing , let's go" I shrugged as I started walking behind them looking around, it was really busy today and mostly people were talking about the big fight next week I got nervous, every day I missed Maximus so much. As we arrived to the small store they had a restaurant we went and order something simple since we didn't have that much money. We went and sat down in this table waiting for our food as it arrive a few minutes later we started eating.
He yawned waking up from his nap next to his was Maximus sleeping, as peepers comes running in "sir you gotcha check this out!" Hater stood up the bed looking at peepers "what is it?" Peepers gave him a picture as hater grabbed it" someone took this picture of y/n yesterday"
  Haters eyes widen looking at the picture, it was y/n looking down rubbing her small belly,  peepers looked up at hater "sir? Want us to go look for her?"  Hater hold on to the picture as he shook his head "no not right now I want the watch dogs to keep training next week is the war! We need to win! I need that ring!" Peepers smiled "yes sir!"  He walks out the room closing the door.
    Hater sits down in the bed as he kept looking at the picture "I will be a dad again..I just need this war to be over and I will get you back y/n and I'll be the #1 villian of this universe"

Will be ending real soon guys few chapters left •~•

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