I know his name!

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I was sleeping until I heard our door from our room slammed open as wander comes running up the bed "I know what name to put the baby!"
I jumped as well as hater looking at wander, hater screams at him "go away! I was sleeping!" I giggled as I pick the baby up "aw come on hater don't be mean his trying to help" hater sighs crossing his arms.
"Well what the name you want to put him wander" I asked him , he smiles jumping "Hater jr!! " hater got excited "yas!! , I like that name!" I sigh shaking my head " that could be his middle name if you guys want but I really like Maximus cuz it means greatest".
   Hater smirk making some muscles "like his father! He would be the greatest!" Wander clapped, "I love it! "  I smiled at them the down at the baby "alright then his name would be Maximus hater jr. "
   "Great! Silvia is going to be happy well when she wakes up. Ima go wake her up to tell her!" Wander starts running outside the room. "Wander wait!" I screamed hater sight "he won't hear you is probably half way there" poor Silvia she hates it when they wake her up"
Hater lay back down yawning "I think wander knows that all ready , anyways let go back to sleep is still to early, I giggled laying Maximus in the middle "okay then love " I lay back down closing my eyes falling back to sleep.

Thanks guys for waiting ! I'm sorry for not updating fast Dx
Remember monday is the last episode of wander over yonder!
So go watch it❤️❤️❤️❤️

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